Man pages for curso-r/hamiltonCovid19
Hamilton Covid-19 Dashboard

create_bodyCreates app's body
create_navbarCreates app's navbar
create_sidebarCreates app's sidebar
customBs4DashSidebarCustom bs4DashSidebar function, changing target option in...
global_dataECDC data
interventions_dataCountryinterventions data
irish_county_dataIrish county data
irish_dataIrish government data
pipePipe operator
run_appRun the Shiny Application
status_para_corcolor pallete
theme_bs4DashCreate distill theme for bs4Dash
theme_bs4Dash_distillCreate distill theme for bs4Dash
use_css_bs4Dash_distillUse bs4Dash distill theme css
value_box_countsCreates the Ireland value boxes in the Summary tab
curso-r/hamiltonCovid19 documentation built on Aug. 6, 2021, 10:43 p.m.