Man pages for cvitolo/amca
Automatic Model Configuration Algorithm (AMCA)

accuracyCalculate accuracy
amcaRun the AMCA algorithm.
amca-packageAutomatic Model Configuration Algorithm (AMCA)
BuildEnsembleExtracts the ensemble bounds from a given a set of...
ExtendTableExtends the table of realisations to include the indices,...
LabelOptionsUtility function to define labels for plotting modelling...
MCsimulationsThis function runs Monte Carlo simulations for a given number...
ParetoFrontierGenerate a table containing only non-dominated realisations...
PersistenceRateCalculate persistance rate
Plot2DarrayMultipleThis function plots the 2Darray of a certain index.
PlotEnsemblesCompare 2 distributions percentiles over time.
PlotModelSimilaritiesPlot model similarities (for comparison).
PlotParameterSimilaritiesPlot prior and posterior parameter distributions (for...
pNSProbabilistic Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency
precisionCalculate precision/sharpness
PrepareTablePrepare a table containing Model ID numbers, model options...
PreSelectionPerform the preliminary selection
RedundancyReductionRedundancy reduction process using SOM clustering and Dynamic...
RelativeFrequencyCalculate relative frequency
reliabilityPlot QQ and results of statistical tests.
RescaleIndicesRescale Model Performance Indices (MPIs) between 0 and 1.
RowMatchMatch rows in two matrices
ScanResultFilesThis function scans the result folder for missing files.
SelectIndicesFinds Indices for selected realisations.
SetThresholdAutomatically set a performance threshold.
Simulations2IndicesCollate indices of various model structures in one...
cvitolo/amca documentation built on May 28, 2019, 7:49 p.m.