Man pages for cvmartin/eflows.viz
Visualization tools for eflows

df_to_tsConvert a data frame in a time series
max_yaxisFind the maximum drawing in the Y axis
set_yaxisEspecify the randge of the Y axis in a dygraph
viz_back_potentialVisualize backshift
viz_bundleBundle several dygraphs
viz_capSee the capacity
viz_compareCompare two or more dygraphs
viz_demand_fixedCompare two or more dygraphs
viz_fitCompare two or more dygraphs
viz_fore_inputVisualize foreshift
vizgetVisualization gadget for bundles of graphs
viz_priceCompare two or more dygraphs
viz_production_fixedCompare two or more dygraphs
viz_storage_flowsVisualize backshift
cvmartin/eflows.viz documentation built on May 12, 2019, 10:49 a.m.