
imgplot is an R package that produces scatterplots with culturally meaningful glyphs. It offers hydration and strength images that can aide in the interpretation of biological based scatterplots.



# Create example data.
n <- 80
x1 = sample(LETTERS[c(1, 3, 7, 20)], size = n, replace = TRUE)
x2 = sample(LETTERS[c(1, 3, 7, 20)], size = n, replace = TRUE)
y <- sin(2 * pi * seq_along(x1) / n) + runif(length(x1), -1, 1)
data <- data.frame(
a = x1,
c = x2,
b = y,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
main_plot <- ggplot(data, aes(1:length(x1), b)) +
  geom_point() +
  theme_bw() +
  geom_smooth(method = "loess", span = 0.7) +
    name = "Pairwise Sequence Alignment",
    breaks = 1:length(data$a),
    labels = paste0(data$a, "\n", data$c)

# Uniform - Strength
plot <- img_plot(
  main_plot = main_plot,
  y_breaks = 11,
  y_labels = 0:10,
  img_type = "strength",
  n_img = 9,
  img_positions = "uniform"

# Peaks - Strength
plot <- img_plot(
  main_plot = main_plot,
  y_breaks = 11,
  y_labels = 0:10,
  img_type = "strength",
  n_img = 9,
  img_positions = "peaks"

# Manual positioning - Strength
plot <- img_plot(
  main_plot = main_plot,
  y_breaks = 11,
  y_labels = 0:10,
  img_type = "strength",
  img_positions = c(20, 60)

# Uniform - Hydration
plot <- img_plot(
  main_plot = main_plot,
  y_breaks = 11,
  y_labels = 0:10,
  img_type = "hydration",
  n_img = 9,
  img_positions = "uniform",

# Peaks - Hydration
plot <- img_plot(
  main_plot = main_plot,
  y_breaks = 11,
  y_labels = 0:10,
  img_type = "hydration",
  n_img = 9,
  img_positions = "peaks"

# Manual positioning - Hydration
plot <- img_plot(
  main_plot = main_plot,
  y_breaks = 11,
  y_labels = 0:10,
  img_type = "hydration",
  img_positions = c(20, 60)



cwbartlett/manogram documentation built on May 8, 2019, 9:20 a.m.