
The scale of the challenge, from this...


Towards cycling being the natural choice


Problem: evidence overload

  • Problem is operationalising this data
  • Needs to be provided in a format that can be acted on at the local level

The Propensity to Cycle Tool - see www.pct.bike


Context: from concept to implementation

  • 3 years in the making
  • Origins go back further
Concept (PhD) -> Job at UoL (2009 - 2013)
 Discovery of R programming and shiny (2013)
  Link-up with Cambridge University and colleagues (2015)
    Implementation on national OD dataset, 700k routes (2016)
      Completed LSOA phase (4 million lines!) (2017)
        PCT Wales commissioned + CyIPT Phase I (2018)
  • 2018: PCT Phase III

The academic landscape [see @lovelace_propensity_2017]


Prior work (source: Lovelace et al. 2017)

dft = readr::read_csv("~/npct/pct-team/data-sources/cycle-tools-wide.csv")
dft$Tool = gsub("Permeability Assessment Tool", "PAT", dft$Tool)
knitr::kable(dft[-5, ])

Policy feedback

"The PCT is a brilliant example of using Big Data to better plan infrastructure investment. It will allow us to have more confidence that new schemes are built in places and along travel corridors where there is high latent demand."

"The PCT shows the country’s great potential to get on their bikes, highlights the areas of highest possible growth and will be a useful innovation for local authorities to get the greatest bang for their buck from cycling investments  and realise cycling potential."


Included in Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Strategy (CWIS)


A model of cycling uptake


$$ logit(pcycle) = \alpha + \beta_1 d + \beta_2 d^{0.5} + \beta_3 d^2 + \gamma h + \delta_1 d h + \delta_2 d^{0.5} h $$

logit_pcycle = -3.9 + (-0.59 * distance) + (1.8 * sqrt(distance) ) + (0.008 * distance^2)

Tools to prioritise cycling infrastructure. How many cyclists result from a new cycle path?

At low geographic resolution


Why investigate it?

  • A $64,000 question

Breakthrough datasets

How to model infrastructure -> cycling? | Where to build what?

See: https://www.cyipt.bike (password protected)

knitr::include_graphics(c("../../cyipt-website/images/infrastructure/large/lightsegregation.jpg", "../../cyipt-website/images/recommended.png"))

Thanks + links!

cyipt/cyipt documentation built on Aug. 16, 2020, 10:24 p.m.