
miscR is a collection of self-written functions to simplify some of my commonly performed tasks. They are designed to have a greater degree of user-friendliness.


The following functions are contained in this package. A short description is given for each. For more detailed information, type ?functionName into your R console after the package has been loaded. For instructions on how to load this package, read Installation.


Returns a random sample of a given data frame, either simple or stratified, depending on inputs.


Creates a connection to an external database that requires authentication, without having to write credentials into the code itself. That connection, in turn, can be used in sqlQuery {RODBC} to query the database directly from R.


Creates a background table for logging and reading times. This can be useful for calculating the run time of code, or particularly, for helping to estimate the time remaining in an iterative process.


This package can be accessed directly from R, without any additional coercion. Simply copy and paste the following commands into your R console and run:


install.packages("devtools"), as you might guess, installs the devtools package. install_github is a function within devtools which allows the user to install R packages directly from Github. library(miscR) actually loads the miscR package for the current instance, giving access to all the functions it contains.

After the initial install, only library(miscR) is needed to access the package in a given R instance, although it is a good idea to periodically run devtools::install_github("d-j-david/miscR") to keep the package up to date with the most current version.

d-j-david/miscR documentation built on May 14, 2019, 1:44 p.m.