Man pages for d-qn/swiMap
Misc Functions to plot geographic maps, mainly swiss maps (cantonal, districts and communes)

cantonal_ch_federalBallotFederal ballot results by cantons
cantonal_ch_indicatorsSwiss cantonal indicators
communes_ch_federalBallotFederal ballot results by communes
communes_CH_historySwiss communes history
communes_CH_indicatorsSwiss communes socio-demographic indicators
countryTranslationcountry translation
loadCommunesCHgeographicalLevelsSwiss communes geographical data
mapShapefilesGeographical map with shapefiles
svgTranslateCollection of functions to get and replace text in a svg file
swi_CHnamesSwiss names
swiMap-packageFunctions to plot geographic maps, mainly swiss maps...
tilemap_chTilemap Switzerland
d-qn/swiMap documentation built on May 14, 2019, 3:04 p.m.