ModelResponse: Linear Model Response

Description Usage Initialize Details


R6 object containing all necessary information of a linear model object


radon_model <- lm(Uppm ~ typebldg + basement + dupflag, data = radon_mn)
result <- extract_model(radon_model)


This should only be called by methods within the package


$model_type: short description of the model information. "linear model"

$model_call: character value of the call made to produce the model

$response_variable: character value of the response in the linear model

$beta_variables: character vector of beta variables used in the linear model

$diag_model: single row data.frame information about the linear model Contains


The percent of variance explained by the model


r.squared adjusted based on the degrees of freedom


Estimate of residual standard deviation when corresponding observation is dropped from model




p-value from the F test, describing whether the full regression is significant


Degrees of freedom used by the coefficients


the data's log-likelihood under the model


the Akaike Information Criterion


the Bayesian Information Criterion




residual degrees of freedom

$diag_coefs: 'p' row data.frame information about the linear model coefficients.


The term in the linear model being estimated and tested


The estimated coefficient


The standard error from the linear model




two-sided p-value

$diag_data: 'n' row data.frame information about the linear model data.


Fitted values of model


Standard errors of fitted values




Diagonal of the hat matrix


Estimate of residual standard deviation when corresponding observation is dropped from model


Cooks distance, ‘cooks.distance’


Standardised residuals. (Some unusual "lm" objects, such as "rlm" from MASS, may omit ‘.cooksd’ and ‘.std.resid’. "gam" from mgcv omits ‘.sigma’)

d3m-purdue/d3mLm documentation built on May 20, 2019, 2:25 p.m.