Man pages for d4ndo/binaryLogic
Binary Logic

as.binaryas binary digit.
bin2grayA gray code converter function
binAddBinary Addition (+)
binaryBinary digit.
binaryLogicBinary Logic GNU R Package
binaryPrefixBinary prefix (KiB,MiB,..)
binSeqBinary sequence
byteA simple helper function to return the size of one byte
bytesNeededMinimum number of "byte" needed to hold n "bit"
fillUpToBitFill up to bit (000..)
fillUpToByteFill up to Byte (00000000..)
gray2binA gray code to binary converter function
is.binaryis Binary Vector
loadAttributesloadAttributes Helper function load Attributes
negateBinary Negation (!)
Ops.binaryGroup Generic Ops
print.binaryPrint method for binary number.
rotateRotate no carry ()
saveAttributessaveAttributes Helper function save Attributes
shiftLeftBinary Left Shift (<<)
shiftRightBinary Right Shift (>>)
summary.binarySummary method for binary number.
switchEndianessSwitch Endianess.
d4ndo/binaryLogic documentation built on May 14, 2019, 3:05 p.m.