Man pages for d9d6ka/RANEPA-R
Set of unit root and cointegration tests

ADF.testA simple implementation of ADF test
ADF.test.SDetrending bootstrap test by Smeekes (2013)
ARCustom AR with extra information
coint.conf.setsConfidence sets for the break date in cointegrating...
coint.test.GHGregory-Hansen test for the absense of cointegration
coint.test.PRA set of residual based tests for cointegration
determinants.KPSS.1.breakConstruct determinant variables for KPSS.1.break
determinants.KPSS.2.breaksConstruct determinant variables for KPSS.2.breaks
determinants.KPSS.N.breaksDeterministic terms for KPSS.N.breaks
detrend.recursivelyDetrending the data recursively
diffnProduce a vector or matrix of differences, keeping initial...
DOLS.1.breakEstimating DOLS regression for multiple known break points
DOLS.N.breaksEstimating DOLS regression for multiple known break points
DOLS.vars.N.breaksPreparing variables for DOLS regression with multiple known...
eos.break.testAndrews-Kim (2006) test values for break point confidence intervals values for KPSS test with 1 break values for KPSS test with 2 breaks
get.p.values.SADFCritical values for SADF-type tests
GLSCustom GLS with extra information
GLS.btGLS fitering with a break
info.criterionInformation criterions
KPKejrival-Perron procedure of breaks number detection
KPSSAuxiliary function returning KPSS statistic value.
KPSS.1.breakKPSS-test with known structural break
KPSS.1.break.unknownKPSS-test of cointegration
KPSS.2.breaksKPSS-test with 2 known structural breaks
KPSS.2.breaks.unknownKPSS-test with 2 unknown structural breaks
KPSS.HLTUnit root testing procedure under a single structural break.
KPSS.N.breaksKPSS-test with multiple known structural breaks
KPSS.N.breaks.bootstrapKPSS-test with multiple unknown structural breaks
lagnProduce a vector lagged backward of forward
lr.varCalculating long-run variance or covariance matrix
MDF.CHLTMDF test for a single break and possible heteroscedasticity
MDF.multipleMDF procedure for multiple unknown breaks.
MDF.singleMDF procedure for a single unknown break.
MZ.statisticCalculating M-statistics by Stock (1990) and Perron and Ng...
NW.estimationNadaraya–Watson kernel regression.
NW.kernelReturning a kernel value for a specific point
NW.loocvLOO-CV for h in Nadaraya–Watson kernel regression.
NW.volatilityNadaraya–Watson kernel volatility estimation
OLSCustom OLS with extra information
print.sadfCustom functions for printing results in a nice way.
PY.sequentialSequential Perron-Yabu (2009) statistic for breaks at unknown...
PY.singlePerron-Yabu (2009) statistic for break at unknown date.
reindex.CTA function that makes reindexing
rescale.CPSTGenerating rescaled series as in Cavaliere et al. (2015)
resid.tests.PRInternal procedure for calculating test statistics from...
robust.tests.multipleA wrapping function around KP and MDF.multiple.
robust.tests.singleA wrapping function around MDF.single.
SADF.bootstrap.testSupremum ADF tests with wild bootstrap.
SADF.testSupremum ADF tests
sb.GSADF.testSign-based SADF test
seasonal.dummiesGenerating monthly seasonal dummy variables
segments.GLSProcedure to minimize the GLS-SSR for 1 break point
segments.OLS.1.breakProcedure to minimize the SSR for 1 break point
segments.OLS.2.breaksProcedure to minimize the SSR for 2 break points
segments.OLS.N.breaksFind m + 1 optimal partitions
select.lead.lag.KSEstimating optimal number of leads and lags
SSR.matrixPre-calculate matrix of recursive SSR values.
SSR.recursiveCalculate SSR recursively
STADF.testSupremum ADF tests with time transformation
supBZ.statisticCalculate supBZ statistic
supSBADF.statisticCalculate superior sign-based SADF statistic.
VECM.loglQuasi log likelihood for VECM without and with breaks
VECM.testTest of the cointegration rank with a possible break in trend
weighted.SADF.testWeighted supremum ADF test
d9d6ka/RANEPA-R documentation built on May 4, 2024, 7:11 a.m.