KPSS.1.break.unknown: KPSS-test of cointegration

View source: R/KPSS.1.break.R

KPSS.1.break.unknownR Documentation

KPSS-test of cointegration


Procedure for testing the null of cointegration in the possible presence of structural breaks.


KPSS.1.break.unknown(y, x, model, weakly.exog, ll.init)



A time series of interest.


A matrix of explanatory stochastic regressors.


A scalar equal to

  • 1: for model An,

  • 2: for model A,

  • 3: for model B,

  • 4: for model C,

  • 5: for model D,

  • 6: for model E.


Exogeneity of the stochastic regressors

  • TRUE: if the regressors are weakly exogenous,

  • FALSE: if the regressors are not weakly exogenous (DOLS is used in this case).


Scalar, defines the initial number of leads and lags for DOLS.


Computes the cointegration test with one unknown structural break where the break point is estimated either minimizing the value of the statistic or the sum of the squared residuals. The estimation of the cointegrating relationship bases on DOLS.

The code provided is the original GAUSS code ported to R.

See Carrion-i-Silvestre and Sansó (2006) for further details.


(2x2)-matrix, where the first rows gives the value of the min(SC) test and the estimated break point; the second row gives the value of the SC statistic, where the break point is estimated as min(SSR).


Carrion-i-Silvestre, Josep Lluís, and Andreu Sansó. “Testing the Null of Cointegration with Structural Breaks.” Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 68, no. 5 (October 2006): 623–46.

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