
Defines functions DOLS.1.break KPSS.1.break.unknown KPSS.1.break

Documented in DOLS.1.break KPSS.1.break KPSS.1.break.unknown

#' @title
#' KPSS-test with known structural break
#' @description
#' Computes the cointegration test with one known structural break.
#' @details
#' The code provided is the original GAUSS code by Carrion-i-Silvestre and Sansó
#' ported to R.
#' See Carrion-i-Silvestre and Sansó (2006) for further details.
#' @param y A time series of interest.
#' @param x A matrix of explanatory stochastic regressors.
#' @param model A scalar equal to
#' * 1: for model An,
#' * 2: for model A,
#' * 3: for model B,
#' * 4: for model C,
#' * 5: for model D,
#' * 6: for model E.
#' @param break.point A position of the break point.
#' @param weakly.exog Exogeneity of the stochastic regressors
#' * `TRUE`: if the regressors are weakly exogenous,
#' * `FALSE`: if the regressors are not weakly exogenous
#' (DOLS is used in this case).
#' @param ll.init A scalar, defines the initial number of leads and lags
#' for DOLS.
#' @return A list of:
#' * `beta`: DOLS estimates of the coefficients,
#' * `tests`: SC test (coinKPSS-test),
#' * `resid`: Residuals of the model,
#' * `t.beta`: Individual significance t-statistics,
#' * `break_point`: Break point.
#' @references
#' Carrion-i-Silvestre, Josep Lluís, and Andreu Sansó.
#' “Testing the Null of Cointegration with Structural Breaks.”
#' Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 68, no. 5 (October 2006): 623–46.
#' https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-0084.2006.00180.x.
#' @export
KPSS.1.break <- function(y,
                         weakly.exog = TRUE,
                         ll.init) {
    if (!is.matrix(y)) y <- as.matrix(y)
    if (!is.null(x)) {
        if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)

    n.obs <- nrow(y)

    if (model < 0 && model > 6) {
        stop("ERROR: Try to specify the deterministic component again")

    if (weakly.exog) {
        if (model == 0) {
            xt <- x
        } else if (1 <= model && model <= 4) {
            deter <- determinants.KPSS.1.break(model, n.obs, break.point)
            xt <- cbind(deter, x)
        } else if (model == 5) {
            deter <- determinants.KPSS.1.break(1, n.obs, break.point)
            xdu <- sweep(x, 1, deter[, 2, drop = FALSE], `*`)
            xt <- cbind(deter, x, xdu)
        } else if (model == 6) {
            deter <- determinants.KPSS.1.break(4, n.obs, break.point)
            xdu <- sweep(x, 1, deter[, 2, drop = FALSE], `*`)
            xt <- cbind(deter, x, xdu)

        tmp.OLS <- OLS(y, xt)
        beta <- tmp.OLS$beta
        resids <- tmp.OLS$residuals
        t.beta <- tmp.OLS$t.beta
    } else {
        bic.min <- Inf
        for (i in ll.init:1) {
            tmp.DOLS <- DOLS.1.break(y, x, model, break.point, i, i)
            beta <- tmp.DOLS$beta
            resids <- tmp.DOLS$residuals
            bic <- tmp.DOLS$bic
            t.beta <- tmp.DOLS$t.beta

            if (bic < bic.min) {
                bic.min <- bic
                beta.min <- beta
                t.beta.min <- t.beta
                resid.min <- resids
        resids <- resid.min
        beta <- beta.min
        t.beta <- t.beta.min

    test <- KPSS(resids, lr.var.bartlett.AK(resids))

            beta = beta,
            test = test,
            residuals = resids,
            t.beta = t.beta,
            break.point = break.point

#' @title
#' KPSS-test of cointegration
#' @description
#' Procedure for testing the null of cointegration in the possible presence of
#' structural breaks.
#' @details
#' Computes the cointegration test with one unknown structural break
#' where the break point is estimated either minimizing the value of
#' the statistic or the sum of the squared residuals.
#' The estimation of the cointegrating relationship bases on DOLS.
#' The code provided is the original GAUSS code ported to R.
#' See Carrion-i-Silvestre and Sansó (2006) for further details.
#' @param y A time series of interest.
#' @param x A matrix of explanatory stochastic regressors.
#' @param model A scalar equal to
#' * 1: for model An,
#' * 2: for model A,
#' * 3: for model B,
#' * 4: for model C,
#' * 5: for model D,
#' * 6: for model E.
#' @param weakly.exog Exogeneity of the stochastic regressors
#' * `TRUE`: if the regressors are weakly exogenous,
#' * `FALSE`: if the regressors are not weakly exogenous
#' (DOLS is used in this case).
#' @param ll.init Scalar, defines the initial number of leads and lags for DOLS.
#' @return (2x2)-matrix, where the first rows gives the value of
#' the min(SC) test and the estimated break point;
#' the second row gives the value of the SC statistic,
#' where the break point is estimated as min(SSR).
#' @references
#' Carrion-i-Silvestre, Josep Lluís, and Andreu Sansó.
#' “Testing the Null of Cointegration with Structural Breaks.”
#' Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 68, no. 5 (October 2006): 623–46.
#' https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-0084.2006.00180.x.
#' @export
KPSS.1.break.unknown <- function(y,
                                 ll.init) {
    if (!is.matrix(y)) y <- as.matrix(y)
    if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)

    n.obs <- nrow(y)

    temp.result <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = n.obs - 5, ncol = 2)

    for (i in 3:(n.obs - 3)) {
        if (ll.init + 2 < i && i < n.obs - 5 - ll.init) {
            tmp.kpss <- KPSS.1.break(y, x, model, i, weakly.exog, ll.init)
            temp.result[i - 2, 1] <- tmp.kpss$test
            temp.result[i - 2, 2] <-
                drop(t(tmp.kpss$residuals) %*% tmp.kpss$residuals)
        } else {
            temp.result[i - 2, 1] <- 2^20
            temp.result[i - 2, 2] <- 2^20

    minSC <- min(temp.result[, 1])
    tbe <- which.min(temp.result[, 1])
    result <- cbind(minSC, 2 + tbe)

    tbe <- which.min(temp.result[, 2])
    minSC <- temp.result[tbe, 1]
    result <- rbind(
        cbind(minSC, 2 + tbe)

    colnames(result) <- c("stat", "tb")

#' @title
#' Estimating DOLS regression for multiple known break points
#' @param y A time series of interest.
#' @param x A matrix of explanatory stochastic regressors.
#' @param model See Carrion-i-Silvestre and Sansó (2006)
#' * 1: for model An,
#' * 2: for model A,
#' * 3: for model B,
#' * 4: for model C,
#' * 5: for model D,
#' * 6: for model E.
#' @param break.point A position of the break point.
#' @param k.lags,k.leads A number of lags and leads in DOLS regression.
#' @return A list of:
#' * Estimates of coefficients,
#' * Estimates of residuals,
#' * A value of BIC,
#' * \eqn{t}-statistics for the estimates of coefficients.
#' @references
#' Carrion-i-Silvestre, Josep Lluís, and Andreu Sansó.
#' “Testing the Null of Cointegration with Structural Breaks.”
#' Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 68, no. 5 (October 2006): 623–46.
#' https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-0084.2006.00180.x.
#' @keywords internal
DOLS.1.break <- function(y,
                         k.leads) {
    if (is.null(x)) {
        stop("ERROR! Explanatory variables needed for DOLS")
    if (!is.matrix(y)) y <- as.matrix(y)
    if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)

    n.obs <- nrow(y)

    d.x.step <- diff(x)
    d.x.lag <- d.x.step
    d.x.lead <- d.x.step

    for (i in 1:k.lags) {
        d.x.lag <- cbind(
            lagn(d.x.step, i)

    for (i in 1:k.leads) {
        d.x.lead <- cbind(
            lagn(d.x.step, -i)

    if (k.lags != 0 && k.leads != 0) {
        lags <- d.x.lag
        leads <- d.x.lead[, (ncol(x) + 1):(ncol(d.x.lead)), drop = FALSE]
        lags.leads <- cbind(lags, leads)
        lags.leads <-
            lags.leads[(k.lags + 1):(n.obs - 1 - k.leads), , drop = FALSE]
    } else if (k.lags != 0 && k.leads == 0) {
        lags <- d.x.lag
        lags.leads <- lags[(k.lags + 1):(n.obs - 1), , drop = FALSE]
    } else if (k.lags == 0 && k.leads != 0) {
        lags <- d.x.lag
        leads <- d.x.lead[, (ncol(x) + 1):(ncol(d.x.lead)), drop = FALSE]
        lags.leads <- cbind(lags, leads)
        lags.leads <- lags.leads[1:(n.obs - 1 - k.leads), , drop = FALSE]
    } else if (k.lags == 0 && k.leads == 0) {
        lags.leads <- d.x.lag

    if (model == 0) {
        xreg <- cbind(
            x[(k.lags + 2):(n.obs - k.leads), , drop = FALSE],
    } else if (model >= 1 && model <= 4) {
        deter <- determinants.KPSS.1.break(model, n.obs, break.point)
        xreg <- cbind(
            deter[(k.lags + 2):(n.obs - k.leads), , drop = FALSE],
            x[(k.lags + 2):(n.obs - k.leads), , drop = FALSE],
    } else if (model == 5) {
        deter <- determinants.KPSS.1.break(1, n.obs, break.point)
        xdu <- sweep(x, 1, deter[, 2, drop = FALSE], `*`)
        xreg <- cbind(
            deter[(k.lags + 2):(n.obs - k.leads), , drop = FALSE],
            x[(k.lags + 2):(n.obs - k.leads), , drop = FALSE],
            xdu[(k.lags + 2):(n.obs - k.leads), , drop = FALSE],
    } else if (model == 6) {
        deter <- determinants.KPSS.1.break(4, n.obs, break.point)
        xdu <- sweep(x, 1, deter[, 2, drop = FALSE], `*`)
        xreg <- cbind(
            deter[(k.lags + 2):(n.obs - k.leads), , drop = FALSE],
            x[(k.lags + 2):(n.obs - k.leads), , drop = FALSE],
            xdu[(k.lags + 2):(n.obs - k.leads), , drop = FALSE],

    res.OLS <- OLS(
        y[(k.lags + 2):(n.obs - k.leads), 1, drop = FALSE],

    bic <- log(drop(t(res.OLS$residuals) %*% res.OLS$residuals) / nrow(xreg)) +
        ncol(xreg) * log(nrow(xreg)) / nrow(xreg)

            beta   = res.OLS$beta,
            resid  = res.OLS$residuals,
            bic    = bic,
            t.beta = res.OLS$t.beta
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