Man pages for daattali/shinybrowser
Find Out Information About a User's Web Browser in 'Shiny'

detectDetect a user's browser information
get_all_infoGet all information about user's browser
get_browserGet user's browser
get_deviceGet user's device (mobile or desktop)
get_osGet user's operating system
get_user_agentGet user agent string from the browser
get_widthGet user's browser dimensions (in pixels)
is_browser_chromeIs the user using Chrome?
is_browser_firefoxIs the user using Firefox?
is_browser_ieIs the user using Internet Explorer?
is_device_desktopIs the user on a desktop device?
is_device_mobileIs the user on a mobile device?
is_os_macIs the user on Mac?
is_os_windowsIs the user on Windows?
shinybrowser-packageshinybrowser: Find Out Information About a User's Web Browser...
SUPPORTED_BROWSERSBrowsers that can be detected with {shinybrowser}
SUPPORTED_DEVICESDevices that can be detected with {shinybrowser}
SUPPORTED_OPERATING_SYSTEMSOperating systems that can be detected with {shinybrowser}
daattali/shinybrowser documentation built on Aug. 21, 2024, 6:12 a.m.