inlineCSS: Add inline CSS

inlineCSSR Documentation

Add inline CSS


Add inline CSS to a Shiny app. This is simply a convenience function that gets called from a Shiny app's UI to make it less tedious to add inline CSS. If there are many CSS rules, it is recommended to use an external stylesheet.

CSS is a simple way to describe how elements on a web page should be displayed (position, colour, size, etc.). You can learn the basics at W3Schools.


inlineCSS(rules, minify = TRUE)



The CSS rules to add. Can either be a string with valid CSS code, or a named list of the form list(selector = declarations), where selector is a valid CSS selector and declarations is a string or vector of declarations. See examples for clarification.


If TRUE, the CSS rules will be condensed as much as possible to save on bandwidth. If FALSE, whitespace is added to make the CSS more human-readable, which is easier for debugging.


Inline CSS code that is automatically inserted to the app's

<head> tag.


if (interactive()) {

  # Method 1 - passing a string of valid CSS
    ui = fluidPage(
      inlineCSS("#big { font-size:30px; }
                 .red { color: red; border: 1px solid black;}"),
      p(id = "big", "This will be big"),
      p(class = "red", "This will be red and bordered")
    server = function(input, output) {}

  # Method 2 - passing a list of CSS selectors/declarations
  # where each declaration is a full declaration block
    ui = fluidPage(
        "#big" = "font-size:30px",
        ".red" = "color: red; border: 1px solid black;"
      p(id = "big", "This will be big"),
      p(class = "red", "This will be red and bordered")
    server = function(input, output) {}

  # Method 3 - passing a list of CSS selectors/declarations
  # where each declaration is a vector of declarations
    ui = fluidPage(
        "#big" = "font-size:30px",
        ".red" = c("color: red", "border: 1px solid black")
      p(id = "big", "This will be big"),
      p(class = "red", "This will be red and bordered")
    server = function(input, output) {}

  # Use `minify = FALSE` to result in more human-readable CSS
    ui = fluidPage(
        "#big" = "font-size:30px",
        ".red" = c("color: red", "border: 1px solid black")
      ), minify = FALSE),
      p(id = "big", "This will be big"),
      p(class = "red", "This will be red and bordered")
    server = function(input, output) {}

daattali/shinyjs documentation built on Nov. 16, 2023, 3:08 p.m.