Man pages for dads2busy/dataplumbr
Helpful Data Plumbing/Engineering Functions

char.fix_camel_caseConvert camel case to underscore separated words
char.get_after_last_separatorReturn everything between after last occurence of separator...
char.get_before_first_separatorReturn everything before the first occurence of provided...
char.get_between_separatorsReturn everything between first occurence of first separator...
char.remove_non_alphanumRemove non-alphanumeric characters from a string. Optionally...
char.string2vectorConvert string to character vector
dir.verify_createVerify directory exists (if not, create)
dttm.fix_centuryAssign date to 1900s or 2000s correctly.
dttm.parse_dob_to_colsParse DOB to Separate Year, Month, Day Columns Create...
file.download_ungz2tempDownload and Un gzip File to Temp Directory and Return File...
file.download_unzip2tempDownload and Unzip File to Temp Directory and Return File...
file.findByTypeFind By File Type in Directory
file.unzip2tempUnzip File to Temp Directory and Return Directory Path
id.add_valid_ssn_colAdd a valid_ssn column to a data.frame or data.table.
id.valid_ssnCheck if Social Secutiy Number is Valid.
loc.lat_lon2geo_areasGet census block, county, state, and market area information...
loc.lats_lons2geo_areasGet census block, county, state, and market area information...
loc.validate_addressValidate address with USPS
name.move_suffixMove provided suffixes to separate column (and remove suffix...
name.standard_col_namesStandardize column names Make lower case R compliant names...
pipePipe operator
set.dedup_choiceDeduplication chooser Majority rules, ties goes to lowest...
set.new_row_per_string_itemCreate new data.table rows for each combination of first and...
set.rm_all_NA_rowsRemove rows that are completely NA
set.split_hyphenatedSplit hyphenated strings in column into two columns
try.try_try_tryTry running a function and get a non-error response n times
var.is_blankChecks if provided variable is null, na, or of length 0
dads2busy/dataplumbr documentation built on July 2, 2021, 3:24 a.m.