Man pages for daewoooo/SVbyEye
Visualization of genomic structural variants

addAlignmentsAdd PAF alignments to a SVbyEye miropeat style plot.
addAnnotationAdd annotation ranges to a SVbyEye plot.
add.control.pointsFunction to add bezier control points for horizontal layout.
addSelfAlignmentsAdd PAF self-alignments to a SVbyEye miropeat style plot.
breakPafA wrapper function for 'breakPafAlignment' expanding multiple...
breakPafAlignmentFunction to break PAF alignment into matching bases between...
cigar2rangesFunction to load CIGAR string reported in PAF alignments into...
collapsePafCollapse PAF query and target ranges based on unique...
disjoinPafAlignmentsDisjoin overlapping PAF alignments.
fasta2nucleotideContentGet sequence content from a single FASTA file.
filterPafFilter PAF alignments.
flipPafFlip orientation of PAF alignments.
flipQueryAnnotationFlip query annotation ranges
geom_arrowheadA 'ggplot2' geom to draw genomic ranges as arrowheads.
geom_miropeatsA 'ggplot2' geom to draw genomic alignments in a miropeats...
geom_roundrectA 'ggplot2' geom to draw genomic ranges as round rectangles.
geom_wide_arcA 'ggplot2' geom to draw arcs between genomic alignments.
getAnnotationLevelsAssign each genomic range a non-overlapping level value
getColorSchemeAdd color scheme based on certain values and defined breaks.
getNucleotideContentGet sequence content from one or multiple FASTA sequences.
liftRangesToAlignmentFunction to lift coordinates to the alignment in PAF format.
maskFASTAMask FASTA sequence at defined regions.
mirrorRangesMirror/reflect genomic ranges given the sequence length.
nucmer2PAFRead nucmer coordinates file in to PAF formatted table
paf2continuousScaleDefine shift of genomic coordinates in order to get...
paf2coordsPrepare PAF alignments for plotting.
paf2FASTAExport FASTA sequences from a set of alignments reported in...
paf2gapsReport gaps between PAF alignments.
paf2nucleotideContentAdd FASTA sequence content to PAF alignments.
pafAlignmentToBinsFunction to break PAF alignment into matching bases between...
pafToBinsA wrapper function for 'pafAlignmentToBins' binning multiple...
parseCigarStringFunction to parse CIGAR string into a set interval ranges.
pipePipe operator
plotAVAPlot all-versus-all alignments stored in PAf format.
plotMiroVisualize PAF alignments.
plotSelfMake a horizontal sequence self-alignments.
processPafTagsProcess PAF specific alignment tags.
q2tFunction to convert coordinates between different coordinate...
readPafRead PAF from an input file
regions2FASTAExport FASTA sequences from a set of Genomic Ranges.
reportGapsReport gaps between a set of target and query ranges.
simpledotplotPlot simple dotplot of two sequences.
StatMiropeatsA ggproto class definition to extend the functionality of...
StatWideArcA ggproto class definition to extend the functionality of...
subsetPafSubset PAF alignments at desired genomic range.
subsetPafAlignmentsSubset PAF alignments at desired genomic range.
syncRangesDirSynchronize orientation of genomic ranges given the desired...
daewoooo/SVbyEye documentation built on July 12, 2024, 3:05 p.m.