  collapse = TRUE,
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This vignette gives a high level overview on how to use the chgdetn R package to detect a changepoint in the sequential setting and conduct simulation experiments to evaluate the performance of the proposed methods. We assume that the observations are independent and such that each follows a known common distribution before the change, and a different common distribution after the change. We have proposed a statistic-based stopping rule for continuous and binary data with known post-changed distributions. For continuous data with unknown post-changed distributions, we have developed a generalized Bayesian stopping rule implemented via the Sequential Monte Carlo algorithm. The proposed methods utilize the Hyvärinen score to improve computation efficiency when the model is known up to a factor of normalizing constant.

Statistic-based Stopping Rule for Continuous Data

Consider a bivariate continuous distribution with a density defined up to a factor of normalizing constant: [f_{\mathbf \theta}(\mathbf x)\propto\exp(\theta_1x_1^2x_2^2+\theta_2x_1^2+\theta_3x_2^2+\theta_4x_1x_2+\theta_5x_1+\theta_6x_2)\,, ] where $\mathbf x=(x_1,x_2)^\top$ and $\mathbf \theta=(\theta_1,\ldots,\theta_6)^\top$. Suppose the observations follow the bivariate distribution with $\mathbf\theta_0=(-1,-1,-1,0,0,0)^\top$ before the change and $\mathbf\theta_1=(-1,-1,-1,1,0,0)^\top$ after the change. The contour plots below illustrates the distribution with $\mathbf\theta_0$ on the left and $\mathbf\theta_1$ on the right.

Prior to the experiment, we sample 10,000 observations from each model using the robust adaptive Metropolis sampler with a burn-in of 10,000. During the experiment, we need only resample one observation at a time from the pre- or post-change pool, depending on whether the change has occurred.

#pre- and post-change parameter values
th.mat[1,]=c(-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0)
th.mat[2,]=c(-1, -1, -1, 1, 0, 0)

#log unnormalized probability function
ULP=function(x,th) sum(th*c(prod(x)^2,x[1]^2,x[2]^2,prod(x),x))

#prepare pre- and post-change pools of observations
for(i in 1:2){

We create a function GEN(t) that generates an observation at time $t$ assuming a change occurs at $t=15$. We also prepare the log unnormalized probability functions for computing the logarithmic score and the gradient and laplacian for computing the Hyvärinen score.

#data generater
GEN=function(t) {
  if(15>=t) { obs[[1]][,1),]
  } else obs[[2]][,1),]

#pre- and post-change log unnormalized probability functions
ULP0=function(x) ULP(x,th=th.mat[1,])
ULP1=function(x) ULP(x,th=th.mat[2,])

#gradient and laplacian of log unnormalized probability functions
LLP=function(x,th) 2*(th[1]*sum(x^2)+th[2]+th[3])

#pre- and post-change gradients and laplacians
GLP0=function(x) GLP(x,th=th.mat[1,])
GLP1=function(x) GLP(x,th=th.mat[2,])
LLP0=function(x) LLP(x,th=th.mat[1,])
LLP1=function(x) LLP(x,th=th.mat[2,])

We use the function detect.stat to detect the changepoint sequentially. The stopping time is returned when a change is detected. The parameter alpha=0.5 controls the probability of false alarm at approximately 0.5. Suppose we know in advance that the change occurs between 10 and 25. To incorporate the prior information we set nulower=10 and nuupper=25.

If score is omitted, the default Hyvärinen score is used, and the user needs to specify GLP0,LLP0,GLP1,LLP1, the gradients and laplacians of the pre- and post-change models. Alternatively, the user may specify the unnormalized probability functions ULP0,ULP1, based on which detect.stat will compute the gradients and laplacians. However, the alternative is less stable and hence not recommended.

#not recommended

Hyvärinen score has a positive tuning paramter with a default of 1. The user may change the tuning parameter values par0,par1.

#when using hyvarinen score, par0 and par1 are tuning parameters

To use the log score when the normalizing constants are unknown, detect.stat will compute the normalizing constants via numerical integration. The user needs to specify the dimension of an observation lenx=2 and/or the lower and upper limits of integration lower0,upper0,lower1,upper1 unless all the limits are infinite.


To use the log score when the normalizing constants are known, the user can pass the pre- and post-change negative log normalizing constants to par0 and par1, respectively.

#calculate the negative log normalizing constants by numerical integration
par0=log(cubature::hcubature(function(x) exp(ULP0(x)),rep(-Inf,2),rep(Inf,2))$integral)
par1=log(cubature::hcubature(function(x) exp(ULP1(x)),rep(-Inf,2),rep(Inf,2))$integral)
#when using log score, par0 and par1 are negative log normalizing constants

Instead of a fixed changepoint, it would be useful to simulate various changepoints from a prior distribution and evaluate performance of the detection procedure. The function sim.detect.stat implements the simulation once and returns whether a false alarm has been raised, delay to detection and computation time. The user needs to create data generating functions GEN0,GEN1 for the pre- and post-change models. The argument detect.stat takes a function that implements the statistic-based stopping rule: either detect.stat for continuous data or detect.bin.stat for binary data which we will introduce in the next section. If the lower and upper limits of the changepoint nulower,nuupper are specified, changepoint will be nulower plus a value simulated from the geometric distribution with p=1/(1+(nulower+nuupper)/2). The default is nulower=0 and nuupper=18 which corresponds to the geometric distribution with p=0.1. Finally, the user should specify additional arguments to be passed to detect.stat.

#pre- and post-change data generaters
GEN0=function() obs[[1]][,1),]
GEN1=function() obs[[2]][,1),]
#default hyvarinen score
#log score

To compare the performance of the statistic-based stopping rule using Hyvärinen score v.s. log score, we repeat the process 1000 times for various values of $\alpha\in(0,1)$ and each score function. With the 1000 repetitions, we estimate the probability of false alarm, the average delay to detection and standard error, and record the average computation time.


#1. hyvarinen score
mat=matrix(nrow=K,ncol=4) #store summary statistics
alist=seq(0.05,0.9,length.out=K) #various values of alpha
for(k in 1:K)
  #default hyvarinen score
  #prob of false alarm, average delay to detection (se), average computation time

#2. log score
mat=matrix(nrow=K,ncol=4) #store summary statistics
alist=seq(0.08,0.78,length.out=K) #various values of alpha
for(k in 1:K)
  #log score, normalizing constants are unknown
  #prob of false alarm, average delay to detection (se), average computation time

#combine results using diff. scores into a data frame

To visualize the results, we plot average delay to detection v.s. probability of false alarm, and log average computation time v.s. probability of false alarm. We observe that the stopping rule using Hyvärinen score achieves an average delay as low as using log score as the probability of false alarm ranges from 0.05 to 0.95, with a substantial improvement in computation.

#average delay to detection v.s. probability of false alarm
  labs(x="prob of false alarm",y="average delay to detection")+
#log average computation time v.s. probability of false alarm
  labs(x="prob of false alarm",y="log computation time (sec)")+

Statistic-based Stopping Rule for Binary Data

An RBM consists of $m$ visible units $\mathbf v$ and $n$ hidden units $\mathbf h$. The random variables take binary values $(\mathbf v, \mathbf h)\in {0,1}^{m+n}$. The joint probability distribution is given by [ f_{\mathbf w,\mathbf b,\mathbf c}(\mathbf v, \mathbf h)\propto \exp\left(\sum_{i=1}^n\sum_{j=1}^m w_{ij}h_iv_j+\sum_{j=1}^m b_iv_j+\sum_{i=1}^n c_i h_i\right)\,. ] Suppose the pre- and post-change models are RBMs with different parameter values. Assume $m=6$, $n=2$, $\mathbf w_0=(-1,-0.5,0.5,1,0.5,-0.5; 0.5,0,0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5)$, $\mathbf b_0=(0,-0.5,0.5,0,0,-0.5)^\top$, and $\mathbf c_0=\mathbf 0$. Then we flip the coefficients for the first two visible units to obtain $\mathbf w_1=(-0.5,-1,0.5,1,0.5,-0.5; 0,0.5,0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5)$, $\mathbf b_1=(-0.5,0,0.5,0,0,-0.5)^\top$, and $\mathbf c_1=\mathbf 0$.

We use Edwin Chen's example to illustrate the model. Suppose we have a set of six movies (Harry Potter, Avatar, LOTR 3, Gladiator, Titanic, and Glitter) and two hidden units underlying movie preferences -- for example, two natural groups in our set of six movies appear to be Oscar winners and SF/fantasy, so we might hope that our hidden units will correspond to these categories -- then our RBM would look like the table below with parameter value $(\mathbf w_0,\mathbf b_0,\mathbf c_0)$. Suppose a change occurs that swaps Harry Potter and Avatar. Then the post-change parameter value is given by $(\mathbf w_1,\mathbf b_1,\mathbf c_1)$.

  | Harry Potter | Avatar | LOTR 3 | Gladiator | Titanic | Glitter --- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: Hidden 1 | -1 | -0.5 | 0.5 | 1 | 0.5 | -0.5 Hidden 2 | 0.5 | 0 | 0.5 | -0.5 | -0.5 | -0.5 Bias Unit | 0 | -0.5 | 0.5 | 0 | 0 | -0.5

Prior to the experiments, we use Gibbs sampler to sample 20,000 observations from each model with a burn-in of 1,000,000. During the experiments, we need only resample one observation at a time from the pre- or post-change pool, depending on whether the change has occurred.

sigmoid=function(x) 1/(1+exp(-x))
#Gibbs sampler for the RBM moodel
  for (i in 1:burn)
    h=rbinom(n,1,sigmoid( w%*%v+c ))
    v=rbinom(m,1,sigmoid( t(w)%*%h+b ))
  for (i in 1:N)
    h=rbinom(n,1,sigmoid( w%*%v+c ))
    v=rbinom(m,1,sigmoid( t(w)%*%h+b ))

#pre- and post-change parameter values
th.mat[1,]=c(-1,-0.5,0.5,1,0.5,-0.5, 0.5,0,0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5, 0,-0.5,0.5,0,0,-0.5, 0,0)
th.mat[2,]=c(-0.5,-1,0.5,1,0.5,-0.5, 0,0.5,0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5, -0.5,0,0.5,0,0,-0.5, 0,0)

#prepare pre- and post-change pools of observations
for(i in 1:2){

Suppose the change occurs at $t=10$. We create a function GEN(t) that generates an observation at time $t$ with a change at $t=10$. For binary data, the log unnormalized probability functions are required both when using the Hyvärinen score and the logarithmic score.

#data generater
GEN=function(t) {
  if(10>=t) { obs[[1]][,1),]
  } else obs[[2]][,1),]
#log unnormalized probability function for the RBM model
  v=x[1:m];h=x[m+ 1:n]
#pre- and post-change log unnormalized probability functions
ULP0=function(x) ULP(x,th=th.mat[1,])
ULP1=function(x) ULP(x,th=th.mat[2,])

We use the function detect.bin.stat to detect the changepoint sequentially. The stopping time is returned when a change is detected. The parameter alpha=0.2 controls the probability of false alarm at approximately 0.2. Suppose we know in advance that the change cannot occur before $t=5$. Hence we set nulower=5.

If score is omitted, the default Hyvärinen score is used. Hyvärinen score has a positive tuning paramter with a default of 1. The user may change the tuning parameter values par0,par1.

#when using hyvarinen score, par0 and par1 are tuning parameters

To use the log score when the normalizing constants are unknown, detect.bin.stat will compute the normalizing constants by summing over the sample space. The dimension of one observation lenx=8 is required. The function supports two binary types. The default binary type is ${1,0}$. For the alternative binary type ${1,-1}$, the user should set tbin=2.


To use the log score when the normalizing constants are known, the user can pass the pre- and post-change negative log normalizing constants to par0 and par1, respectively.

#compute normalizing constant by summing over the sample space
par0=log(sum(exp(apply(dom,1,ULP0))) )
par1=log(sum(exp(apply(dom,1,ULP1))) )
#when using log score, par0 and par1 are negative log normalizing constants

As is the case for continuous data, we can use the function sim.detect.stat to conduct change detection with simulated changepoint. For binary data, set detect.stat=detect.bin.stat.

#pre- and post-change data generaters
GEN0=function() obs[[1]][,1),]
GEN1=function() obs[[2]][,1),]
#default hyvarinen score
#log score

To compare the performance of the statistic-based stopping rule using Hyvärinen score v.s. log score, we repeat the process 1000 times for various values of $\alpha\in(0,1)$ and each score function. With the 1000 repetitions, we estimate the probability of false alarm, the average delay to detection and standard error, and record the average computation time.

#1. hyvarinen score
mat=matrix(nrow=K,ncol=4) #store summary statistics
alist=seq(0.05,0.99,length.out=K) #various values of alpha
for(k in 1:K)
  #default hyvarinen score
  #prob of false alarm, average delay to detection (se), average computation time

#2. log score
mat=matrix(nrow=K,ncol=4) #store summary statistics
alist=seq(0.05,0.99,length.out=K) #various values of alpha
for(k in 1:K)
  #log score, normalizing constants are unknown
  #prob of false alarm, average delay to detection (se), average computation time

We plot the results using the same codes as in the preceding section. The stopping rule using Hyvärinen score performs at par with the stopping rule using the log score, with a substantial improvement in computation.

Bayesian Stopping Rule for Continuous Data

Suppose that a system changes from the standard normal distribution to the normal distribution with mean 2 and standard deviation 2. We do not know the mean or standard deviation of the post-change normal distribution but have prior information that both lie between 1 and 3. We also know that change is unlikely to occur after $t=20$. For such change detection problems where data is continuous and the post-changed distribution is unknown, we can use the Bayesian stopping rule.

To prepare for the change detection experiment, we construct a function GEN(t) that generates an observation at time $t$ assuming a change occurs at $t=10$. We also prepare the log unnormalized probability functions for computing the logarithmic score and the gradient and laplacian for computing the Hyvärinen score.

#data generater
GEN=function(t){ if(10>=t) rnorm(1) else 2*rnorm(1)+2 }

#post- and pre-change log unnormalized probability functions, gradients and laplacians
ULP1=function(x,th) -(x-th[1])^2/2/th[2]^2
GLP1=function(x,th) -(x-th[1])/th[2]^2
LLP1=function(x,th) -1/th[2]^2
ULP0=function(x) ULP1(x,c(0,1))
GLP0=function(x) GLP1(x,c(0,1))
LLP0=function(x) LLP1(x,c(0,1))

We use the function detect.bayes to detect the changepoint sequentially. When a change is detected, detect.bayes returns the stopping time, the low ESS rate, and the average acceptance rate of the Metropolis-Hastings sampling in the move steps. If ESS never drops below the threshold, no move step is performed and the return value for the average acceptance rate will be NaN. We set the parameter alpha=0.1 to control the probability of false alarm at approximately 0.1 and set nuupper=20 to incorporate the prior information that change is unlikely to occur after $t=20$. The dimension of the post-change parameter lenth=2 is required. We specify the lower limit of the parameter thlower=c(-Inf,0) and omit the upper limit to use the default of infinity. To specify the prior distribution of the post-change parameter, we create a random generation function GENTH and a log unnormalized probability function ULPTH of the prior distribution. For simplicity we use independent uniform distributions from 1 to 3.

#let prior distribution of post-change mean and sd be independent uniform on (1,3)
#random generation function. n=sample size
GENTH=function(n) matrix(runif(n*2)*2+1,nrow=n)
#log unnormalized probability function
ULPTH=function(th) prod(th>1)*prod(th<3)

If score is omitted, the default Hyvärinen score is used, and the user needs to specify GLP0,LLP0,GLP1,LLP1, the gradients and laplacians of the pre- and post-change models. The prior distribution of the post-change parameter is specified through GENTH,ULPTH. If omitted, the default prior will be used which is standard normal on the unconstrained space. Hyvärinen score has a positive tuning paramter with a default of 1. The user may change the tuning parameter values par0,par1.

#user-specified prior distribution of post-change parameter
#default prior is used if GENTH,ULPTH are omitted
#when using hyvarinen score, par0 and par1 are tuning parameters

To use the log score when the normalizing constants are unknown, detect.bayes will compute the normalizing constants via numerical integration. The user needs to specify the dimension of one observation lenx and/or the lower and upper limits of integration lower0,upper0,lower1,upper1 if not all infinite.


To use the log score when the normalizing constants are known, the user should pass the pre- and post-change negative log normalizing constants to par0 and par1, respectively. Notice that par1 is a function of the post-change parameter.

#post-change negative log normalizing constant
par1=function(th) log(2*pi)/2+log(th[2])
#pre-change negative log normalizing constant
#when using log score, par0 and par1 are negative log normalizing constants

The function sim.detect.bayes conducts a simulation experiment of changepoint detection with known post-change distributions using the statistic-based stopping rule. It simulates a changepoint from the prior distribution, perform a change detection experiment, and returns whether a false alarm has been raised, delay to detection, computation time, low ESS rate, and average acceptance rate of the move step. The user needs to create data generating functions GEN0,GEN1 for the pre- and post-change models. The true post-change parameter must be specified through th0. The argument detect.bayes takes a function that implements the statistic-based stopping rule. Currently only the above-mentioned function detect.bayes for continuous data is supported. If the lower and upper limits of the changepoint nulower,nuupper are specified, changepoint will be nulower plus a value simulated from the geometric distribution with p=1/(1+(nulower+nuupper)/2). The default is nulower=0 and nuupper=18 which corresponds to the geometric distribution with p=0.1. Finally, the user should specify additional arguments to be passed to detect.bayes.

#post- and pre-change data generaters
GEN1=function(th) th[2]*rnorm(1)+th[1]
GEN0=function() GEN1(c(0,1))
#default hyvarinen score
#log score

To compare the performance of the statistic-based stopping rule using Hyvärinen score v.s. log score, we repeat the process 1000 times for various values of $\alpha\in(0,1)$ and each score function. With the 1000 repetitions, we estimate the probability of false alarm, the average delay to detection and standard error, average computation time, low ESS rate, and average acceptance rate.

#1. hyvarinen score
mat=matrix(nrow=K,ncol=8) #store summary statistics
alist=seq(0.15,0.95,length.out=K) #various values of alpha
for(k in 1:K)
  #default hyvarinen score
  #prob of false alarm, average delay to detection (se), average computation time,
            #low ESS rate (sd), average acceptance rate (sd)

#2. log score
mat=matrix(nrow=K,ncol=8) #store summary statistics
for(k in 1:K)
  #log score, normalizing constant unknown
  #prob of false alarm, average delay to detection (se), average computation time,
            #low ESS rate (sd), average acceptance rate (sd)

#combine results using diff. scores into a data frame

We plot average delay to detection v.s. probability of false alarm, and log average computation time v.s. probability of false alarm using the codes demonstrated in the first section. The plots show that the stopping rule using Hyvärinen score achieves an average delay almost as low as using log score as the probability of false alarm ranges from 0.05 to 0.9, with a substantial improvement in computation.

It is important to check the quality of the sequential Monte Carlo sampling through low ESS rate and average acceptance rate of the move step. The following diagnostic plots show small low ESS rates and reasonable acceptance rates, which suggests no problem in sequential Monte Carlo.

#low ESS rate v.s. probability of false alarm
  labs(x="prob of false alarm",y="low ESS rate")+

#average acceptance rate v.s. probability of false alarm
  labs(x="prob of false alarm",y="average acceptance rate")+

daining0905/chgdetn documentation built on May 25, 2019, 4:01 a.m.