Man pages for dajmcdon/aimer
Amplified, Initially Marginal, Eigenvector Regression

aimeraimer: Amplified, Initially Marginal, Eigenvector Regression
coef.aimerreturns the coefficients of an aimer model.
coef.aimerCVreturns the coefficients of an aimerCV model.
factorModelSim1Simulate some data from a sparse 2 factor model
findThresholdSelectFind Optimal Threshold for Amplified, Initially Marginal,...
fitted.aimerreturns the fitted values of an aimer model.
fitted.aimerCVreturns the fitted values of an aimerCV model.
plot.aimerplots the residuals in terms of the fitted values for an...
plot.aimerCVcreates a heatmap of each value of ncomps tested in an...
predict.aimerpredicts new values for an aimer model.
predict.aimerCVpredicts new values for an aimerCV model.
raimerperforms Amplified, Initially Marginal, Eigenvector...
residuals.aimerreturns the residuals of an aimer model.
residuals.aimerCVreturns the residuals of an aimerCV model.
dajmcdon/aimer documentation built on May 6, 2019, 1:31 a.m.