Man pages for dalejbarr/forsterUVA
Reproducing UvA Analysis of Jens Forster Studies

combine_pdFCombine multiple delta-F p values using Fisher method
combine_VCombine multiple V statistics by taking the product
deltaF.linearFunction that computes F-test for nested (ANOVA) models
deltaFpWrapper function for calculating delta F
discretizeConvert continuous to interval data
evi.valFunction that computes an evidential value in favor of...
eviValWrapper function for calculating Klaassen's V (evidential...
evi.valMultFunction that computes overall evidential value
findingsFindings for studies investigated in UvA Förster report
Fisher.methodFunction that performs Fisher's combined probability test
pubsList of publications investigated in UvA Förster report
studiesList of studies investigated in UvA Förster report
study_statsStatistics of studies investigated in UvA Förster report
dalejbarr/forsterUVA documentation built on May 14, 2019, 3:31 p.m.