Man pages for damiencrone/gasample
A Package For Sampling Stimuli For Psychological Research Using Genetic Algorithms

constructGroupListInternal function to construct a list of plotting parameters.
drawDensityCurveInternal function to draw density curve.
evaluateSubsetComputes distance-based descriptive statistics for a sample...
fitnessFunctionFunction to sample items with a genetic algorithm maximizing...
fmtInternal function to format numbers for printing and...
generateSuggestionsFunction to generate suggestions to initialise the genetic...
greedyMaxminSearchFunction to sample items with a greedy search maximizing...
plotFitnessFunction to plot the fitness of the final GA result, relative...
plotSampleDensityFunction to produce density curves comparing the distribution...
plotSampleScatterFunction to produce scatterplots depicting bivariate...
pstarInternal function to create significance stars for a p value.
sampleItemsFunction to sample items with a genetic algorithm maximizing...
sampleSplomFunction to produce a scatterplot matrix comparing a sample...
sumHeightFunction to calculate the total dendrogram height of a...
damiencrone/gasample documentation built on May 20, 2019, 9:26 a.m.