Man pages for dan11mcguire/mamba
MAMBA: Meta-analysis Model Based Assessment of Replicability

emfuncs-packageA short title line describing what the package does
generate_data_beSimulate summary statistics according to the binary-effects...
generate_data_feSimulate summary statistics according to the...
generate_data_mambaSimulate summary statistics according to the MAMBA model.
generate_data_re1Simulate summary statistics according to random effects...
generate_data_re2Simulate summary statistics according to the Han and Eskin's...
make_mamba_summary_filesCreate input datasets for mamba() function and clumping Take...
mambaFit the MAMBA model.
rcpp_hello_worldSimple function using Rcpp
select_mamba_lociSelect loci to include in mamba() model, combining clumped...
dan11mcguire/mamba documentation built on Nov. 10, 2020, 12:37 a.m.