

Author: Daniela Petruzalek e-mail: License: GPLv3

SIM: Mortality Information System (Sistema de Informações de Mortalidade)

File types

DO   : Declarations of death  
DOFET: Declarations of death (Fetal)  
DOEXT: Declarations of death (External Causes)  
DOINF: Declarations of death (Children)  
DOMAT: Declarations of death (Mother)

SIM Code Book

| Column Name | Original Name (PT-BR) | Description |----------------|---------------|----------------------------------------- | | NUMERODO | Declaration of death id number | type | TIPOBITO | Type of death: 1 = fetal; 2 = non fetal | date | DTOBITO | Date of death: ddmmyyyy | time | HORAOBITO | Time of death: hhmm | birthplace | NATURAL | Place of birth: Country code (3 letters) or the number 8 followed by state code (2 letters) if local | birthdate | DTNASC | Date of birth: ddmmyyyy | age | IDADE | First digit: age type (0=ignored or minutes, 1=hours, 2=days, 3=months, 4=years, 5=years above 100). Next two digits: age in the units explained above. Ex: 000=ignored, 020=20 minutes, 445=45 years | sex | SEXO | 0=ignored, 1=male, 2=female | race | RACACOR | race/color: 1=white, 2=black, 3=yellow(asian), 4=brown(pardo[1]), 5=indigene | marital.status | ESTCIV | 1=single, 2=married, 3=widowed, 4=divorced/separated, 9=ignored | education | ESC | In years completed: 1=none, 2=1 to 3 years, 3=4 to 7 years, 4=8 to 11 years, 5=12+ years, 9=ignored | occupation | OCUP | Follows the Brazilian Classification of Occupations (CBO-2002) compatible with CIUO-88 | | CODMUNRES | County of residency id (IBGE) | | LOCOCOR | 1=Hospital, 2=Another health facility, 3=Home, 4=public highway, 5=others, 9=ignored | | CODESTAB | Facility id | | CODMUNOCOR | County of death | mother.age | IDADEMAE | Age of the mother, in years | | ESCMAE | Years of education of the mother (see education above) | mother.occupation | OCUPMAE | Occupation of the mother (see occupation above) | num.alive.child | QTDFILVIVO | Number of living children | num.dead.child | QTDFILMORT | Number of dead children (not including this report) | pregnancy | GRAVIDEZ | Type of pregnancy: 1=Single, 2=Double, 3=Triple or more, 9=ignored | gestation | GESTACAO | Gestational age (weeks): 1=less than 22, 2=22 to 27, 3=28 to 31, 4=32 to 36, 5=37 to 41, 6=42+, 9=ignored | childbirth | PARTO | Type of birth: 1=natural childbirth, 2=C-section, 9=ignored | childbirth.death | OBITOPARTO | Timing of death in relation to childbirth: 1=before, 2=during, 3=after, 9=ignored | weight | PESO | Weight at birth, in grams | | NUMERODN | Number of the birth certificate | pregnancy.death | OBITOGRAV | Death occured during pregnancy: 1=yes, 2=no, 9=ignored | puerperium.death | OBITOPUERP | Death occured during puerperium: 1=yes, less than 42 days; 2=yes, between 43 days and 1 year; 3=no; 9=ignored | medical.assistance | ASSISTMED | Received medical assistance: 1=yes, 2=no, 9=ignored | complimentary.exams | EXAME | Complimentary exams were performed: 1=yes, 2=no, 9=ignored | surgery | CIRURGIA | Surgery was done: 1=yes, 2=no, 9=ignored | necropsy | NECROPSIA | Necropsy was done: 1=yes, 2=no, 9=ignored | line.a | LINHAA | Line A of the death certificate, according to ICD-10 | line.b | LINHAB | Line B of the death certificate, according to ICD-10 | line.c | LINHAC | Line C of the death certificate, according to ICD-10 | line.d | LINHAD | Line D of the death certificate, according to ICD-10 | line.II | LINHAII | Line II of the death certificate, according to ICD-10 | cause.of.death | CAUSABAS | Main cause of death, according to ICD-10 | | DTATESTADO | Date of the death certificate | accident.type | CIRCOBITO | Type of accident (if applicable): 1=accident, 2=suicide, 3=homicide, 4=others, 5=ignored | work.accident | ACIDTRAB | 1=yes, 2=no, 9=ignored | source | FONTE | Source of information: 1=Police report, 2=Hospital, 3=Family, 4=others | investigated | TPPOS | Death was investigated: 1=yes, 2=no | | DTINVESTIG | Date of investigation | orig.cause | CAUSABAS_O | Original main cause of death (first report) | | DTCADASTRO | Date of the record input into the system | cert.officer | ATESTANTE | Certifying officer: 1=medic, 2=substitute medic, 3=IML, 4=SVO, 5=others | investig.source | FONTEINV | Source of investigation: 1=Maternal Death Committee, 2=home visit/family interview, 3=Health facility/medical records, 4=Database research, 5=SVO, 6=IML, 7=other source, 8=multiple sources, 9=ignored. | | DTRECEBIM | Date of the last update of the record | inst.code | CODINST | Registration facility id

Note: Fields from mother.age through only filled when fetal death or < than 1 year old.



danicat/datasus documentation built on Feb. 8, 2020, 1:18 p.m.