Man pages for daniel-rodak/budgetr
Package for managing home budget

budgetReference class budget
choose.fileChoose a File Interactively
choose.filenameChoose a File Name Interactively
doAggSplitsGroup table by all fields and sum Amounts
eomFunction which gives end of month for date
filenameSelectInputFile Name Selection Control
fileSelectInputFile Selection Control
ifNullReplace NULLs with 'rep'
launchFunction launching bidget app
mockBudgetFunction used to create mock budget
namedVecToListTransform named vector to list
parseQIFLineParse single QIF line
readBankFunctions to load data from banks
readFilenameSelectInputRead the value of a filenameSelectInput
readFileSelectInputRead the value of a fileSelectInput
readQIFLoad data from QIF file generated by MicroSoft Money
reportReference class for storing report settings and plotting it
reportSettingsModal window for editing or adding report
splitTransactionUI for splitting transaction module
spl_to_rFunction which transform handsontable split table into...
switchNamesFunction which switches names and vector elements
tr_to_rFunction which transform handsontable transaction into...
updateFilenameSelectInputChange the value of a filenameSelectInput on the client
updateFileSelectInputChange the value of a fileSelectInput on the client
daniel-rodak/budgetr documentation built on May 25, 2019, 4:22 p.m.