heatshock: heat shock and life extension data

heatshockR Documentation

heat shock and life extension data


Data set investing the impact of heat shock exposure on longevity. Data was taken from Lagisz et al. (2013).

  1. dataID: Unique identifier for each comparison of a pair of survival curves between the control group (con) and the heat-shocked group (hs).

  2. papID: Unique identifier for each study (i.e. paper) in the dataset.

  3. expID: Unique identifier for separate experiments within each study (usually determined by having separate control group).

  4. author: Study first author nam.

  5. pubyear: Year of publication of the study.

  6. journal: Name of journals in which the study was published.

  7. IF: Journal Impact Factor (2011, JCR).

  8. name: Common name of the species.

  9. genus: Genus name of the species.

  10. species: Latin name of the species.

  11. strain: Unique strain name for particular.

  12. class: Taxonomic classe of the species.

  13. family: Taxonomic family of the species.

  14. animal: Unique identifier for the species.

  15. sex: Sex category (M = males, F = females, H = none/hermaphrodite or B = males and females).

  16. age: Age of animals at the time of the first heat shock (days from egg) [day].

  17. relage: Age of animals individuals at the time of the first heat shock (days from egg) divided by maximum life span observed in the control group (con_maxLS).

  18. conN: Number of individuals in the control group.

  19. hsN: Number of individuals in the heat-shocked group.

  20. conTemp: Standard (control) temperature in which animals were kept [C].

  21. hsTemp: Heat-shock temperature [C].

  22. tempDiff: Difference between control andheat-shock temperature [C].

  23. duration: Single heat-shock duration [h].

  24. repeats: How many times heat-shock was repeated.

  25. spacing: Time interval between heat shocks [h].

  26. maxCon: Time from the start of the experiment when the last animal in the control group died (maximum observed longevity) [day].

  27. maxCon_LS: Time from the start of the experiment when the last animal in the control group died, corrected for the age at the start of the experiment (maximum lifespan) [day].

  28. p10con: Time since the start of the experiment when 10

  29. p10con_LS: Time since the start of the experiment when 10

  30. p90,p80,p70,p60,p50,p40,p30,p20,p10: Proportion of heat-shocked group animals that were alive when 90

  31. lnHR: Overall ln(HR) for 9 time intervals.

  32. varHR: Variance of overall ln(HR) for the 9 time intervals.

  33. conN_uniq: Number of individuals in the control group, unique within each experiment.

  34. hsN_uniq: Number of individuals in the heat-shocked group, unique within each experiment.

  35. data_source: Name of the figure or table from which the survival data was extracted (or raw data, tables with additional information).


A raw csv file containing the following columns and descriptors


Lagisz, M., Hector, K.L. and Nakagawa, S. (2013) Life exstension after heat shock exposure: Assessing meta-analytic evidence for hormesis. Ageing Research Reviews, 12:653-660.

daniel1noble/metaAidR documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 3:23 p.m.