Man pages for danielfm123/dftools
Data Science Tools

cleanSpacesCleanup spaces on a text
cleanStringClean characters on strings
createAwsFilesRepoCreate folder for proyect files
discretizePosixDiscretizes time periods
ecoAdds lags of a funcion
encryptDelimEncrypt Csv file
firstMonthDayCalculates first day of the month of a date
getAccuracyCalculates the accuracy
getAUCCalculate The AUC from a ROC (getROC)
getBucketReturns the team
getConfusionCalculates the confussion matrix
getDvRutCalculates DV from RUT
getLiftProvides Lift Curve
getModecalculate the mode
getPrecisionCalculates the Precission
getRecallCalculates the Recall
getROCCalculates ROC Curve
isBetweenChecks ifa value is between other 2
isNullCheck if value is not valid, it considers Inf, NA, Null NaN
lagpadLags a vector
lastMonthDayReturns the last day of the month of a date
limitLevelsTruncates number of categories o a vector
makeDataFrameDistributionConversorApplies redistribution to a dataframe
makeDistributionBuilds an empiric distribution from a sample
makeScaleMakes functions to scale (zscore) variables
makeScoreDistributionProvides Score Distribution interpoles
maxAccuracyMaximizes the accuracy
multiplotPrint multiple plots inside one
numericMonthconverts month name into number (WIP)
plotLiftPlots lifts from getLift function
plotROCplot ROC from getROC
predictKmeansPredict K-means from kmeans function
replaceNullReplace Null values with new value
safeLibraryinstalls non existing libraries
sampleDatasetSamples dataframe
setLevelsSets the categories of a dataset given a sample
setResponseRateSets response rate for dataset
snowClusterSnow Cluster
sourceDirSources R files in a Directory.
sqlExecuteexcecutes query on SQL
sqlGetQueryGets result from sql query
sqlGsubinternal function for SQL methods
sqlInsertsaves dataframe on SQL row by row
sqlWriteTablesaves dataframe on SQL
toFullDummyturns all variables into dummy
toQuantilescuts continuous variable into quantiles
trimerrases t
uniqueMergeverges dataframes avoiding duplicates
danielfm123/dftools documentation built on July 17, 2021, 1 p.m.