Man pages for danielmarcelino/ggdecor
A Collection of Themes and Aesthetics

add_axisThe SciencesPo ggplot2 theme
Arial-NarrowArial Narrow font name R variable aliases
bluefocusTheme labs bluefocus colors palette
bluemonoTheme labs bluemono 8 colors palette
classicClassic 20 colors palette
flush_ticksMakes axis text labels flush on the ends
geom_bargeom_bar in the SciencesPo style
geom_colgeom_col in the SciencesPo style
geom_jittergeom_jitter in the SciencesPo style
geom_linegeom_line in the SciencesPo style
geom_pathgeom_path in the SciencesPo style
geom_pointgeom_point in the SciencesPo style
geom_stepgeom_step in the SciencesPo style
geom_textgeom_point in the SciencesPo style
ggdecorA Collection of Themes and Aesthetics
ggplot2-adjustsggplot2 adjustments
greenfocusTheme labs greenfocus colors palette
greenmonoTheme labs greenmono 8 colors palette
greymonoTheme labs greymono 8 colors palette
import_robotoImport roboto fonts Make sure the roboto fonts are in your...
labs16Theme labs 16 colors palette
labs22Theme labs 22 colors palette
modern_geom_defaultsChange geom defaults from black to white for the modern theme
PublicSansPublic Sans regular font name R variable aliases
R4Theme labs R4 8 colors palette
rainbow10Theme labs rainbow 10 colors palette
rainbow12Theme labs rainbow 12 colors palette
rainbow6Theme labs rainbow 6 colors palette
rainbow8Theme labs rainbow 8 colors palette
redfocusTheme labs redfocus colors palette
redmonoTheme labs redmono 8 colors palette
remove_axisThe SciencesPo ggplot2 theme
remove_legendThe SciencesPo [ggplot2] theme
remove_ticksThe SciencesPo ggplot2 theme
rich10Theme labs rich 10 colors palette
rich12Theme labs rich 12 colors palette
rich6Theme labs rich 6 colors palette
rich8Theme labs rich 8 colors palette
RobotoRoboto regular font name R variable aliases
scale_bluefocusDiscrete color & fill scales based on the bluefocus palette
scale_bluemonoDiscrete color & fill scales based on the bluemono 8 palette
scale_classicDiscrete color & fill scales based on the ipsum palette
scale_greenmonoDiscrete color & fill scales based on the greenmono 8 palette
scale_greenocusDiscrete color & fill scales based on the greenfocus palette
scale_greymonoDiscrete color & fill scales based on the greymono 8 palette
scale_labs16Discrete color & fill scales based on the labs palette
scale_labs22Discrete color & fill scales based on the labs palette
scale_R4Discrete color & fill scales based on the R4 8 palette
scale_rainbow10Discrete color & fill scales based on the rainbow 10 palette
scale_rainbow12Discrete color & fill scales based on the rainbow 12 palette
scale_rainbow6Discrete color & fill scales based on the rainbow 6 palette
scale_rainbow8Discrete color & fill scales based on the rainbow 8 palette
scale_redfocusDiscrete color & fill scales based on the redfocus palette
scale_redmonoDiscrete color & fill scales based on the redmono 8 palette
scale_rich10Discrete color & fill scales based on the rich 10 palette
scale_rich12Discrete color & fill scales based on the rainbow 12 palette
scale_rich6Discrete color & fill scales based on the rich 6 palette
scale_rich8Discrete color & fill scales based on the rich 8 palette
scale_scpoDiscrete color & fill scales based on the ipsum palette
scale_tableau10Discrete color & fill scales based on the ipsum palette
scale_tableau10_lightDiscrete color & fill scales based on the ipsum palette
scale_tableau10_mediumDiscrete color & fill scales based on the ipsum palette
scale_tableau20Discrete color & fill scales based on the ipsum palette
scale_web10Discrete color & fill scales based on the web palette
scale_web20Discrete color & fill scales based on the web palette
scale_web20bDiscrete color & fill scales based on the web palette
scale_web20cDiscrete color & fill scales based on the web palette
scale_x_percentX & Y scales with opinionated pre-sets for percent & comma...
scatter_gridThe SciencesPo ggplot2 theme
scpo_logo_textThe Urban Institute ggplot2 theme
scpo_paletteA muted, qualitative color palette
set_decor_defaultsThe SciencesPo ggplot2 theme defaults
tableau10Tableau Classic 10 colors palette
tableau10_lightTableau Classic light 10 colors palette
tableau10_mediumTableau Classic medium 10 colors palette
tableau20Tableau Classic 20 colors palette
theme_robotoA precise & pristine ggplot2 theme with opinionated defaults...
theme_sansA precise & pristine ggplot2 theme with opinionated defaults...
theme_tufteTufte Maximal Data, Minimal Ink Theme
theme_webA precise & pristine ggplot2 theme with opinionated defaults...
theme_xkcdA precise & pristine ggplot2 theme with opinionated defaults...
update_geom_font_defaultsUpdate matching font defaults for text geoms
web10Theme web 10 colors palette
web20Theme web 20 colors palette
web20bTheme web 20 colors palette
web20cTheme web 20 colors palette
xkcdxkcd regular font name R variable aliases
danielmarcelino/ggdecor documentation built on Sept. 15, 2020, 5:45 p.m.