  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

The guess argument of quickpsy allows you to set the leftward asymptote of the psychometric function.

The default value is 0, but it can be changed:

fit <- quickpsy(qpdat, phase, resp, grouping = c("participant", "cond"), 
                guess = 0.05, bootstrap = "none") 

plot(fit, color = cond)

The leftward asymptote can also be free as a parameter (it wouldn't be a guess rate in this case)

fit <- quickpsy(qpdat, phase, resp, grouping = c("participant", "cond"),
                guess = TRUE, B = 10) # only 10 bootstrap samples

plot(fit, color = cond)

The lapses argument of quickpsy works as the guess argument.

We can combined guesses and lapses. For example, for a task with a fixed guess rate of 50% and a variable lapse rate parameter we can do


n <- 100
x <- c(.2, .4, .6, .8, 1) 
k <- c(59, 56, 69, 92, 94) 
y <- k / n
dat <- data.frame(x, k, y)

fit <- quickpsy(dat, x, k, n, guess = 0.5, lapses = TRUE, bootstrap = "none")

plot(fit) + ylim(0.25, 1)

Observe that the lapse rate parameter is now the p3 parameter (p1 and p2 correspond to the position and scale parameters respectively)


If both the leftward and the rightward asymptotes are free, they will appear as the p3 and p4 parameters respectively.

danilinares/quickpsy documentation built on Feb. 13, 2023, 8:44 p.m.