  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Without providing initial parameters

If the function to fit (fun argument) is one of the predefined functions (cum_normal_fun, logistic_fun or weibull_fun), quickpsy calculates the initials parameters for you


fit <- quickpsy(qpdat, phase, resp, grouping = c("participant", "cond"),
                fun = logistic_fun, 
                bootstrap = "none") 


A vector initial parameters

The initial parameters could be a vector


fit <- quickpsy(qpdat, phase, resp, grouping = c("participant", "cond"),
                parini = c(-100, 70), # the default function is cum_normal_fun
                bootstrap = "none") 


A list of initial parameters

The initial parameters could be a list in which each component constraints the lower and upper bounds of the parameter (for example, list(c(par1min, par1max), c(par2min, par2max)))


fit <- quickpsy(qpdat, phase, resp, grouping = c("participant", "cond"),
                parini = list(c(-300, 300), c(10, 200)),
                bootstrap = "none") 


In addition of the upper and lower bound, you can also specify the initial guess of the parameters


fit <- quickpsy(qpdat, phase, resp, grouping = c("participant", "cond"),
                parini = list(c(-300, 300), c(10, 200)),
                parinivector = c(-100, 70), 
                bootstrap = "none") 


A dataframe of initial parameters

The initial parameters could be a dataframe specifiying the initial parameters for each condition. It should have the same structure that the component par of quickpsy. It is up to you how to build this dataframe. For example:


participants <- qpdat %>% distinct(participant)
conditions <- qpdat %>% distinct(cond)

parini <- conditions %>% 
  crossing(participants) %>% 
  crossing(tibble(parn = c("p1", "p2"))) %>% 
  arrange(cond) %>% 
  bind_cols(tibble(par = c(rep(c(-100, 70), 3), 
                           rep(c(-150, 100), 3))))
fit <- quickpsy(qpdat, phase, resp, grouping = c("participant", "cond"),
                parini = parini, bootstrap = "none")


The dataframe could also contain the constraints of the parameters

parini <- conditions %>% 
  crossing(participants) %>% 
  crossing(tibble(parn = c("p1", "p2"))) %>% 
  arrange(cond) %>% 
  bind_cols(tibble(parmin = c(rep(c(-300, 10), 3), 
                         rep(c(-500, 5), 3)),
                   parmax = c(rep(c(300, 200), 3), 
                         rep(c(500, 400), 3))))

Data frame of functions (dev version of quickpsy)

When the fun argument is a data frame of functions, you should specify all the parameters included in the functions


fun_df <- tibble(cond = c("cond1", "cond2"), 
                 fun = c(function(x, p) (1 + exp(-p[2] * (x - p[1])))^(-1), 
                         function(x, p) (1 + exp(-p[2] * (x - p[3])))^(-1)))

fit <- quickpsy(qpdat, phase, resp, grouping = c("participant", "cond"), 
                fun = fun_df, # shared slope parameter
                parini = c(-100, 0.02, -100), 
                bootstrap = "none") 

plot(fit, color = cond)

danilinares/quickpsy documentation built on Feb. 13, 2023, 8:44 p.m.