Man pages for dankelley/dac
Download and Cache Data

dcdc: A Package to download and cache data files from the web
dc.amsrDownload and Cache an AMSR File
dc.argoDownload and Cache an Argo Dataset
dc.argoByIdDownload and cache an argo file specified by id
dc.argoIndexGet an index of available floats
dc.argoSearchFIXME: this function is in flux: do not use
dc.coastlineDownload and Cache a Coastline File
dcDebugPossibly print a debugging message
dc.g1sstDownload and Cache a G1SST (SST data/model) File
dc.hydrographyDownload and Cache a Hydrographic Dataset
dc.metDownload and Cache a Meteorology File
dc.topoDownload and Cache a Topographic File
dc.woaDownload and Cache a World Ocean Atlas File
dankelley/dac documentation built on June 4, 2020, 11:45 p.m.