
#' mb_2016_reference
#' A dataset that creates a linkage between the granular Meshblock 2016 codes
#' and the Australian Statistical Geography (ASGS) codes.
#' @format A data frame / `data.table`  with 16 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{MB_CODE_2016}}{Meshblock 2016 code}
#' \item{\code{MB_CATEGORY_NAME_2016}}{Description about the meshblock geography}
#' \item{\code{SA1_MAINCODE_2016}}{The full identifier for the Statistical Area 1 (SA1)}
#' \item{\code{SA1_7DIGITCODE_2016}}{A 7 digit identifier for the Statistical Area 1 (SA1)}
#' \item{\code{SA2_MAINCODE_2016}}{The full identifier for the Statistical Area 2 (SA2)}
#' \item{\code{SA2_5DIGITCODE_2016}}{A 5 digit identifier for the Statistical Area 2 (SA2)}
#' \item{\code{SA2_NAME_2016}}{Names for SA2 geographies}
#' \item{\code{SA3_CODE_2016}}{A 5 digit identifier for the Statistical Area 3 (SA3)}
#' \item{\code{SA3_NAME_2016}}{Names for SA3 geographies}
#' \item{\code{SA4_CODE_2016}}{A 3 digit identifier for the Statistical Area 4 (SA4)}
#' \item{\code{SA4_NAME_2016}}{Names for SA4 geographies}
#' \item{\code{GCCSA_CODE_2016}}{An identifier for the Greater Capital City Statistical Area (GCCSA)}
#' \item{\code{GCCSA_NAME_2016}}{Names for the Greater Capital City Statistical Area (GCCSA)}
#' \item{\code{STATE_CODE_2016}}{Numeric code for the state}
#' \item{\code{STATE_NAME_2016}}{Full state names (unabbreviated)}
#' \item{\code{AREA_ALBERS_SQKM}}{Area of the meshblock in square kilometers}
#' }
danwwilson/censaus documentation built on May 29, 2019, 12:01 p.m.