
#' Datasets from the California Department of Education
#' This package contains nine datasets from the California Department of Education
#' that can be explored in R.
#' @details This contains data within nine tables: cohorts, dropouts, english_learners, enrollments,
#' frpm, graduates, primary_and_short_term, suspensions, and truancy. For definitions of each of these, see
#' the page here: \url{http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sd/sd/index.asp}.
#' @source The California Department of Education. See here
#' for more: \url{http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sd/sd/index.asp}
#' @name ca_eddata

#' @rdname ca_eddata

#' @rdname ca_eddata

#' @rdname ca_eddata

#' @rdname ca_eddata

#' @rdname ca_eddata

#' @rdname ca_eddata

#' @rdname ca_eddata

#' @rdname ca_eddata
daranzolin/rCAEDDATA documentation built on May 7, 2019, 2:54 a.m.