knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


The Canvas API is the main method of interfacing with the Canvas LMS system. The scale of the Canvas API is enormous, which makes a 1:1 coverage of the API unfeasible. A lot of work has been put into working with the core elements of the API, especially from the perspective of teachers and administrators.

However, more elements will always be necessary. To that end, the following guide should explain how to contribute a new function.


Read Hadley's guide to package development. This project contains a .Rproj file to make it easy to load it into Rstudio.

The rest of this guide presumes familiarity with loading and editing the package.


There are two main types of functions you are likely to create.

Final steps

The rcanvas package requires two final 'hooks' before submitting.

First, update the file to reflect the changes you've made.

Second, the documentation for this package is produced with pkgdown. Running pkgdown::build_site() from the base directory is all that is needed.

Then, push your code and make a pull request!

daranzolin/rcanvas documentation built on May 18, 2024, 2:33 p.m.