
Questions for Christian


Question 1: What are the pie charts on the landing page supposed to represent?

In the mock-up (see below image), there are three pie charts. They are named: 1. Financially active portf. 2. Active portf. Vol. 3. Active portf. sp.

What are the "full" titles of these charts (I don't unerstand "sp"), and what exactly are they supposed to show (ie, the sum by region of the total_project_size in the as_portfolio table...)?

Another way to address this question: to what extent do the charts I've implemented (see below) match up with your vision for this?

Question 2: What should the "industry" filter refer to?

There is a filter in the upper right of the main page, which is supposed to "filter by industry" (see below). Which variable from as_portfolio should be used for this filter?

Question 3: What does the "spending fish" refer to?

There is a "spending fish" chart on the "Budget" tab of the specs (see below). Does this chart have an already built equivalent in the old version of the app (my understanding is no). If not, what exactly is this chart supposed to show, and what is the data source for it (the as_portfolio table does not have time series transactions; is as_results the underlying data?)?

Question 4: What are "flags" and how are they to be implemented?

The budget tab refers to "flags" (see below).

And, there is an entire tab meant to show "flags" (see below)

What are "flags", and how does one induce this from the raw data (ie, from the as_results or as_portfolio table)?

Question 5: How to build data derivatives from the raw data?

In a previous email, you mentioned that the following three files were derivatives of the database:


Where is the code used for the creation of these datasets? If they were not created programatically (ie, something like Excel was used), then can you provide instructions for how they should be created?

Question 6: The database

The database, as I understand it, has only two tables: 1. as_results 2. as_portfolio

My understanding is that the entire app should run off of only these two tables, plus the two flat files (which you mentioned in a previous email were manually created).

│   ├── factors.csv
│   ├── fig_ssa_addtional_details.csv

I also understand that as_portfolio gives details on each project (ie, one row per project), whereas as_results is basically a table of events related to each project (ie, many rows per project).

Is all of the above correct?

databrew/portfoliodash documentation built on May 3, 2019, 1:47 p.m.