Frankenreiter, figure 5, point sizes

The figures for Frankenreiter 5 show varying bubble sizes, but the data do not come with any variable which suggests it should be used for size. What should the size of the bubbles be based on?

(For now, we've just created random bubble sizes)

Frankenreiter, figure 5, labels

The figures for Frankenreiter 5 show some labeled years (ie, one year gets a bubble and a written year number) and some non-labeled years (ie, just a bubble).

Which years should be labeled?

(For now, we've done our best to copy the labels from the original chart)

Frankenreiter, figure 6, data

The data provided to us are not consistent (in terms of variable names, values, etc.) with the data in the chart. We've made a couple of attempts at plotting the data given to us, but it's structurally different from the data in the chart.

databrew/sfi documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:52 a.m.