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Why use this module?


Make sure to ask the IDE team for your AWS Key and Secret.

$ pip install awscli

$ aws configure
> AWS Access Key ID: <enter your key>
> AWS Secret Access Key: <enter your secret>
> Default region name: us-east-1
> Default output format: <leave blank>

After this, start R, and:

if(!require(remotes)) {

remotes::install_github("r-dbi/RMySQL") # for MySQL databases
remotes::install_github("r-dbi/RPostgres") # for PostgreSQL databases

How to use

For security reasons, we only allow DB connections from our VPN.


# List all available databases

# Get DBI connection to specific database
conn <- create_connection("main-app")

# Use DBI connection like you normally do

# Visit the database documentation

To avoid the (time costly) fetching of credentials to AWS every time, dbconnectr allows you to cache the credentials on your local machine:


# First time is slow
conn <- create_connection("main-app", cache = TRUE)

# Second time is fast
conn <- create_connection("main-app", cache = TRUE)

Use in RStudio

The aws executable will not be found when you're working in RStudio (because the PATH is not properly set). To fix this, open up a terminal to find out the location of the aws executable:

$ which aws

Next, create a file ~/.Renviron that adds this bin folder to the PATH, e.g.:


Note that the exact location of the aws executable can be different on your system, depending on how you installed the AWS CLI. Now, if you start RStudio and your R session initializes, the folder that contains the aws executable will be in your PATH, and you should be able to call aws commands:

> system2("aws", args = "--version")
aws-cli/1.14.32 Python/3.6.4 Darwin/17.3.0 botocore/1.8.36

AWS Parameter Store Structure

See README of dbconnect-python project.

datacamp/dbconnectr documentation built on Nov. 30, 2021, 1:53 a.m.