  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

The data model for the data connector provides data on learning activity for users in a group across different content types. The currently supported content types are:

  1. Assessments
  2. Assignments
  3. Certification
  4. Courses
  5. Practice
  6. Projects
  7. Tracks
  8. Workspace

For every content type, the data model provides a fact table (e.g. course_fact) consisting of measures like XP and time spent, and a dimension table (course_dim) consisting of descriptors like technology, topic etc. You can join the fact tables with the dimension tables to summarize XP and time spent across technology, topic etc.

Additionally, the data model also provides dimension tables at the user level user_dim, team_dim, group_dim, and bridge tables user_team_bridge to facilitate analysis at the team or user level.

For example, you can aggregate the xp gained and time_spent by week across technology and team with the following query.

{% tabs %}

{% tab title="SQL" %}

SELECT team_id,
       SUM(xp) AS xp,
       SUM(time_spent)/3600 AS time_spent_hours
  FROM course_fact
       INNER JOIN course_dim USING(course_id)
       INNER JOIN date_dim USING(date_id)
       INNER JOIN user_team_bridge USING(user_id)
       INNER JOIN team_dim USING(team_id)
 GROUP BY 1, 2, 3

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Python" %}

from dcdcpy import DataConnector
dc = DataConnector()
    .merge(dc.course_dim(), on='course_id', suffixes=('', '_y'))
    .merge(dc.date_dim(), left_on='date_id', right_on='id')
    .merge(dc.user_team_bridge(), on='user_id')
    .merge(dc.team_dim(), left_on='team_id', right_on='id')
    .groupby(['week_start_date', 'technology'], as_index=False)
        'time_spent': lambda d: d.sum()/3600,
        'xp': 'sum'

{% endtab %}

{% endtabs %}

{% hint style='info' %}

Note that all fact tables only include learning activity for the dates on which a user was a part of the group. For example, consider a user A who joined group 1234 on Jan 1st, started a course on Jan 2nd, left the group on Jan 3rd while continuing to work on the course, rejoined the group on Jan 4th, and completed the course on Jan 5th.

{% endhint %}

data <- data.frame(
  id      = 1:3,
  content = c("In Group 1234"  , "Starts Course"  ,"In Group 1234"),
  start   = c("2021-01-01", "2021-01-02", "2021-01-04"),
  end     = c("2021-01-03", "2021-01-05", "2021-01-05")

timevis::timevis(data, width='100%', height = 175)

In this case, the fact tables for group 1234 will not contain data for User A for January 3rd (even though the user continued working on the course).

knitr::include_graphics("dc-user-group-activity.png", dpi = 144)
table_group_order = c(
  'assessment' = 1, 'assignment' = 2, 'certification' = 3,
  'course' = 4, 'practice' = 5, 'project' = 6, 
  'track' = 7, 'workspace' = 8, 'user_team' = 8, 'others' = 9
docs_bic <- dcdcr:::docs_bic %>% 
  mutate(column_description = gsub('""', '"', column_description)) %>% 
  mutate(column_description = gsub("\n", "", column_description)) %>% 
  mutate(table_name = gsub("learning\\_", "", table_name)) %>% 
  filter(!grepl('v2', table_name)) %>% 
  filter(table_name != 'docs') %>% 
  arrange(table_name) %>% 
  mutate(table_group = purrr::map_chr(table_name, ~ {
    strsplit(.x, '_')[[1]][1]
  })) %>% 
  mutate(table_group = case_when(
    table_group %in% c('workspace', 'publication') ~ 'workspace',
    table_group %in% c('course', 'chapter', 'exercise') ~ 'course', 
    table_group %in% c('team', 'user') ~ 'user_team',
    table_group == 'xp' ~ 'other',
    TRUE ~ table_group
  )) %>% 
  mutate(table_group_order = table_group_order[table_group]) %>%  
  arrange(table_group_order) %>% 
  group_by(table_group) %>%
display_table_group <- function(.table_group){
  doc <- docs_bic %>% 
    filter(table_group == .table_group)
  title <- if (.table_group != 'practice'){
    doc$table_group %>% 
      paste0('s') %>% 
  } else {

  cat(glue::glue('## {title}\n\n'))
  doc_data <- doc %>% 
    pull(data) %>% 

  if (.table_group == 'course'){
    doc_data <- doc_data %>% 
      mutate(.order = case_when(
        grepl('exercise', table_name) ~ 1,
        grepl('chapter', table_name) ~ 2,
        grepl('course', table_name) ~ 3
      )) %>% 
      arrange(.order, table_name) %>% 
  doc_data %>% 
    group_by(table_name) %>% 
    tidyr::nest(columns = c(column_name, column_description)) %>% 
    as.list() %>% 
    purrr::transpose() %>% 
    purrr::walk(~ {
      cat(glue::glue('### {snakecase::to_title_case(.x$table_name)}\n\n'))
      cat(glue::glue('__`{.x$table_name}`__: '))
      cat('\n', .x$table_description, "\n")
      .x$columns %>% 
        knitr::kable() %>% 

docs_bic %>% 
  pull(table_group) %>% 
docs_bic <- dcdcr:::docs_bic %>% 
  mutate(table_name = gsub("learning\\_", "", table_name)) %>% 
  filter(!grepl('v2', table_name)) %>% 
    into = c('content_type', 'table_type'), 
    remove = FALSE
  ) %>% 
  group_by(table_name, content_type, table_type, table_description) %>% 
  tidyr::nest(columns = c(column_name, column_description))

display_doc <- function(.table_name){
  doc <- docs_bic %>% 
    filter(table_name == .table_name)
  cat(glue::glue('## {snakecase::to_title_case(doc$table_name)}\n'))
  cat('\n', doc$table_description, "\n")
  # cat('\n### Columns\n')
  doc %>% 
    pull(columns) %>% 
    magrittr::extract2(1) %>% 
    knitr::kable() %>% 
docs_bic %>% 
  filter(table_name != 'docs') %>% 
  arrange(content_type, desc(table_type)) %>% 
  pull(table_name) %>% 

datacamp/dcdcr documentation built on Jan. 29, 2024, 2:47 p.m.