
Defines functions eval_parse check_roxy_example_matches check_roxy_examples_result_equals check_roxy_examples_run check_roxy_imports_object_from_package check_roxy_imports_from_package check_roxy_imports_package check_roxy_param_matches check_has_roxy_param check_roxy_element_matches check_roxy_element_equals check_has_roxy_element check_has_roxy

Documented in check_has_roxy check_has_roxy_element check_has_roxy_param check_roxy_element_equals check_roxy_element_matches check_roxy_example_matches check_roxy_examples_result_equals check_roxy_examples_run check_roxy_imports_from_package check_roxy_imports_object_from_package check_roxy_imports_package check_roxy_param_matches

#' Check the roxygen comments
#' Check that the roxygen comments provided by the student are correct.
#' @param state The state of the exercise, as returned from \code{\link{parse_roxy}}.
#' @param element String naming the element of the roxygen block to check.
#' @param index A positive integer or a string naming a function. This describes
#' which roxygen element in the code to check.
#' @param regex String providing a regular expression for the solution code to
#' match. See See \code{testwhat}'s \code{check_code} function.
#' @param fixed Logical. If \code{TRUE}, regex is treated as a fixed string, not
#' a regular expression. See \code{testwhat}'s \code{check_code} function.
#' @param times Positive integer. Denotes the number of times the string in
#' \code{regex} should be matched.
#' @param param_name String naming a parameter for the function.
#' @param pkg_name String naming an R package to import from.
#' @param object_name String naming an object to import from another package.
#' @param missing_msg Optional string. Used to override the feedback message
#' in the event of failure.
#' @param incorrect_msg Optional string. Used to override the feedback message
#' in the event of failure.
#' @param not_typed_msg Optional string. Used to override the feedback message
#' in the event of failure.
#' @param not_runnable_msg Optional string. Used to override the feedback message
#' in the event of failure.
#' incorrect_msg
#' @param append For compatibility; currently unused.
#' @return This function is invoked for the side effect of registering feedback
#' in the event of a failed test. See \code{\link{check_that}} for details of
#' the return value and feedback mechanism.
#' @details \code{check_has_roxy} checks that the \code{index} block of roxygen
#' is present.
#' \code{check_has_roxy_element} checks that the \code{element} element of the
#' \code{index} block of roxygen is present.
#' \code{check_roxy_element_equals} checks that the \code{element} element of
#' the \code{index} block of roxygen is equal to the value in the solution code.
#' \code{check_roxy_element_matches} checks that the \code{element} element of
#' the \code{index} block of roxygen matches a regular expression or string.
#' \code{check_roxy_param_equals} checks that the \code{param_name} parameter of
#' the \code{index} block of roxygen is equal to the value in the solution code.
#' \code{check_roxy_param_matches} checks that the \code{param_name} element of
#' the \code{index} block of roxygen matches a regular expression or string.
#' \code{check_roxy_example_results} checks that the final result of running the
#' \code{examples} in the \code{index} block of roxygen is equal to the value in
#' the solution code.
#' \code{check_roxy_example_matches} check that the \code{examples} of the
#' \code{index} block of roxygen matches a regular expression or string.
#' Only \code{check_roxy_element_equals} and \code{check_roxy_example_results}
#' require the solution. The other checks can safely be run with
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   # Always begin by calling parse_roxy() on the exercise state.
#'   ex() %>% parse_roxy() %>% {
#'     check_has_roxy(.)
#'     check_has_roxy_element(., 'title')
#'     check_roxy_element_equals(., 'description', 'This is a mean function')
#'     check_roxy_element_matches(., 'return', 'integer +vector')
#'     check_roxy_param_equals(., 'x', 'A numeric vector.')
#'     check_roxy_param_matches(., 'na.rm', '[Ll]ogical.*missing.')
#'     check_roxy_example_results(., 10)
#'     check_roxy_example_matches(., 'mean\\\\(.*\\\\)')
#'   }
#' }
#' @importFrom testwhat is_gte is_false check_that
#' @export
check_has_roxy <- function(state, index = 1L, missing_msg = NULL, append = TRUE) {
  student_pd <- state$get("student_pd")

  if(is.null(missing_msg)) {
    missing_msg <- sprintf("The '%s' roxygen block is `NULL` or not present.", index)
  if(is.numeric(index)) {
      is_gte(length(student_pd), index),
      feedback = missing_msg
  actual <- is.null(student_pd[[index]])
  check_that(is_false(actual), feedback = missing_msg)

#' @rdname check_has_roxy
#' @export
check_has_roxy_element <- function(state, element, index = 1L, missing_msg = NULL, append = TRUE) {
  check_has_roxy(state, index)

  student_pd <- state$get("student_pd")

  if(is.null(missing_msg)) {
    missing_msg <- sprintf(
      "The '%s' element of roxygen block '%s' is `NULL` or not present.",
      element, index
  actual <- roxygen2::block_has_tags(student_pd[[index]], element)
  check_that(actual, feedback = missing_msg)

#' @rdname check_has_roxy
#' @importFrom testwhat check_that is_equal
#' @export
check_roxy_element_equals <- function(state, element, index = 1L, incorrect_msg = NULL, append = TRUE) {
  check_has_roxy_element(state, element, index)

  student_pd <- state$get("student_pd")
  solution_pd <- state$get("solution_pd")

  if(is.null(incorrect_msg)) {
    incorrect_msg <- sprintf(
      "The '%s' element of roxygen block '%s' is not correct.",
      element, index

  actual <- roxygen2::block_get_tag_value(student_pd[[index]], element)
  expected <- roxygen2::block_get_tag_value(solution_pd[[index]], element)

  check_that(is_equal(actual, expected), feedback = incorrect_msg)

#' @rdname check_has_roxy
#' @importFrom testwhat check_that is_gte get_num_hits
#' @export
check_roxy_element_matches <- function(state, element, regex, fixed = FALSE, times = 1L, index = 1L, not_typed_msg = NULL, append = TRUE) {
  check_has_roxy_element(state, element, index)

  student_pd <- state$get("student_pd")

  if(is.null(not_typed_msg)) {
    not_typed_msg <- sprintf(
      "The '%s' element of roxygen block '%s' does not match '%s'.",
      element, index, regex
  actual <- roxygen2::block_get_tag_value(student_pd[[index]], element)
  num_hits <- get_num_hits(regex = regex, x = actual, fixed = fixed)
  check_that(is_gte(num_hits, times), feedback = not_typed_msg)

#' @rdname check_has_roxy
#' @importFrom purrr map_chr
#' @importFrom testwhat check_that is_false
#' @export
check_has_roxy_param <- function(state, param_name, index = 1L, missing_msg = NULL, append = TRUE) {
  check_has_roxy_element(state, "param", index)

  student_pd <- state$get("student_pd")

  if(is.null(missing_msg)) {
    missing_msg <- sprintf(
      "The '%s' param of roxygen block '%s' is `NULL` or not present.",
      param_name, index
  student_param_tags <- roxygen2::block_get_tags(student_pd[[index]], "param")
  actual <- param_name %in% map_chr(student_param_tags, ~ .x[["val"]][["name"]])
  check_that(actual, feedback = missing_msg)

#' @rdname check_has_roxy
#' @importFrom testwhat check_that is_gte get_num_hits
#' @export
check_roxy_param_matches <- function(state, param_name, regex, fixed = FALSE, index = 1L, not_typed_msg = NULL, append = TRUE) {
  check_has_roxy_param(state, param_name, index)

  student_pd <- state$get("student_pd")

  if(is.null(not_typed_msg)) {
    not_typed_msg <- sprintf(
      "The '%s' param of roxygen block '%s' does not match '%s'.",
      param_name, index, regex
  student_param_tags <- roxygen2::block_get_tags(student_pd[[index]], "param")
  param_idx <- which(map_chr(student_param_tags, ~ .x[["val"]][["name"]]) == param_name)
  actual <- map_chr(student_param_tags, ~ .x[["val"]][["description"]])[param_idx]
  num_hits <- get_num_hits(regex = regex, x = actual, fixed = fixed)
  check_that(is_gte(num_hits, 1L), feedback = not_typed_msg)

#' @rdname check_has_roxy
#' @importFrom purrr map_chr
#' @importFrom testwhat check_that is_true
#' @export
check_roxy_imports_package <- function(state, pkg_name, index = 1L, missing_msg = NULL, append = TRUE) {
  check_has_roxy_element(state, "import", index)

  student_pd <- state$get("student_pd")

  if(is.null(missing_msg)) {
    missing_msg <- sprintf(
      "In roxygen block '%s', package '%s' was not imported.",
      index, pkg_name
  student_import_tags <- roxygen2::block_get_tags(student_pd[[1]], "import")
  pkgs_imported <- map_chr(student_import_tags, ~ .x[["val"]])
  check_that(is_true(pkg_name %in% pkgs_imported), feedback = missing_msg)

#' @rdname check_has_roxy
#' @importFrom testwhat check_that
#' @importFrom testwhat is_false
#' @export
check_roxy_imports_from_package <- function(state, pkg_name, index = 1L, missing_msg = NULL, append = TRUE) {
  check_has_roxy_element(state, "importFrom", index)

  student_pd <- state$get("student_pd")

  if(is.null(missing_msg)) {
    missing_msg <- sprintf(
      "In roxygen block '%s', nothing was imported from package '%s'.",
      index, pkg_name
  student_importFrom_tags <- roxygen2::block_get_tags(student_pd[[index]], "importFrom")
  pkgs_to_import_from <- unique(purrr::map_chr(student_importFrom_tags, purrr::pluck, "val", 1))
  check_that(is_true(pkg_name %in% pkgs_to_import_from), feedback = missing_msg)

#' @rdname check_has_roxy
#' @importFrom purrr map_chr
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom testwhat check_that
#' @importFrom testwhat is_true
#' @export
check_roxy_imports_object_from_package <- function(state, pkg_name, object_name, index = 1L, missing_msg = NULL, append = TRUE) {
  check_roxy_imports_from_package(state, pkg_name, index)

  student_pd <- state$get("student_pd")

  if(is.null(missing_msg)) {
    missing_msg <- sprintf(
      "In roxygen block '%s', '%s' was not imported from '%s'.",
      index, object_name, pkg_name
  student_importFrom_tags <- roxygen2::block_get_tags(student_pd[[index]], "importFrom")
  pkgs_to_import_from <- map_chr(student_importFrom_tags, ~ .x[["val"]][[1]])
  this_pkg <- pkgs_to_import_from == pkg_name
  imported_objects <- unlist(map(student_importFrom_tags[this_pkg],  ~ .x[["val"]][-1]))
  check_that(is_true(object_name %in% imported_objects), feedback = missing_msg)

#' @rdname check_has_roxy
#' @importFrom testwhat check_that
#' @importFrom testwhat is_true
#' @export
check_roxy_examples_run <- function(state, index = 1L, not_runnable_msg = NULL, append = TRUE) {
  check_has_roxy_element(state, "examples", index)

  pre_ex_code <- state$get("pec")
  student_pd <- state$get("student_pd")
  student_env <- state$get("student_env")

  if(is.null(not_runnable_msg)) {
    not_runnable_msg <- sprintf(
      "The examples of roxygen block '%s' are not runnable.",
  student_examples_tags <- roxygen2::block_get_tags(student_pd[[index]], "examples")
  actual <- map_chr(student_examples_tags, ~ .x[["val"]])
  is_runnable <- tryCatch({
      eval_parse(pre_ex_code, student_env)
      eval_parse(actual, student_env)
    error = function(e) FALSE
  check_that(is_true(is_runnable), feedback = not_runnable_msg)

#' @rdname check_has_roxy
#' @importFrom testwhat check_that
#' @importFrom testwhat is_gte
#' @export
check_roxy_examples_result_equals <- function(state, index = 1L, incorrect_msg = NULL, append = TRUE) {
  check_roxy_examples_run(state, index)

  pre_ex_code <- state$get("pec")
  student_pd <- state$get("student_pd")
  solution_pd <- state$get("solution_pd")
  student_env <- state$get("student_env")
  solution_env <- state$get("solution_env")

  if(is.null(incorrect_msg)) {
    incorrect_msg <- sprintf(
      "The result of running examples in roxygen block '%s' is not correct.",

  eval_parse(pre_ex_code, student_env)
  student_examples_tags <- roxygen2::block_get_tags(student_pd[[index]], "examples")
  solution_examples_tags <- roxygen2::block_get_tags(solution_pd[[index]], "examples")
  actual <- eval_parse(map_chr(student_examples_tags, ~ .x[["val"]]), student_env)
  eval_parse(pre_ex_code, solution_env)
  expected <- eval_parse(map_chr(solution_examples_tags, ~ .x[["val"]]), solution_env)

  check_that(is_equal(actual, expected), feedback = incorrect_msg)

#' @rdname check_has_roxy
#' @importFrom testwhat check_that is_gte get_num_hits
#' @export
check_roxy_example_matches <- function(state, regex, fixed = FALSE, index = 1L, not_typed_msg = NULL, append = TRUE) {
  check_roxy_examples_run(state, index)

  student_pd <- state$get("student_pd")

  if(is.null(not_typed_msg)) {
    not_typed_msg <- sprintf(
      "The examples of roxygen block '%s' do not match '%s'.",
      index, regex
  student_examples_tags <- roxygen2::block_get_tags(student_pd[[index]], "examples")
  actual <- map_chr(student_examples_tags, ~ .x[["val"]])
  num_hits <- get_num_hits(regex = regex, x = actual, fixed = fixed)
  check_that(is_gte(num_hits, 1L), feedback = not_typed_msg)

#' Parse code lines & evaluate
#' Parse lines of R code and evaluate it.
#' @param code_lines A character vector of R code.
#' @param env An environment to evaluate the code in.
#' @noRd
eval_parse <- function(code_lines, envir) {
  eval(parse(text = code_lines), envir = envir)
datacamp/testwhat.ext documentation built on Aug. 26, 2022, 4:12 p.m.