wordwrap: Wrap or break strings into lines of specified width

View source: R/wordwrap.R

wordwrapR Documentation

Wrap or break strings into lines of specified width


strfit does hard wrapping, i.e. break within long words, wordwrap is a wrapper of strfit but also provides soft wrapping option, i.e. break only between words, and keep long words intact.


wordwrap(s, width = 20, break.word = FALSE)
strfit(s, width = 20)



characcter, strings to be wrapped or broken down.


integer, target line width in terms of number of characters. d width=20.


logical, whether to break within words or only between words as to fit the line width. Default break.word=FALSE, i.e. keep words intact and only break between words. Therefore, some line may exceed the width limit.


These functions are called as to wrap long node labels into shorter lines on pathway graphs in keggview.graph function (when keggview.native=FALSE). They are equally useful for wrapping long labels in other types of graphs or output formats.


character of the same length of s except that each element has been wrapped softly or hardly.


Weijun Luo <luo_weijun@yahoo.com>


Luo, W. and Brouwer, C., Pathview: an R/Bioconductor package for pathway based data integration and visualization. Bioinformatics, 2013, 29(14): 1830-1831, doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btt285

See Also

strwrap in R base.


long.str="(S)-Methylmalonate semialdehyde"
wr1=wordwrap(long.str, width=15)
#long word intact
cat(wr1, sep="\n")
wr2=strfit(long.str, width=15)
#long word split
cat(wr2, sep="\n")

datapplab/pathview documentation built on March 30, 2024, 9:06 a.m.