Man pages for datashield/dsStatsClient
DataSHIELD client site stattistical functions

checkClassChecks that an object has the same class in all studies
ds.corComputes correlation between two or more vectors
ds.corTestTests for correlation between paired samples
ds.covComputes covariance between two or more vectors
ds.tTestRuns a student's t-test
ds.varComputes the variance of a given vector
extractSplits character by '$' and returns the single characters
findLoginObjectssearches for opal login object in the environment
getOpalsGets the opal objects
getPooledMeanGets a pooled statistical mean
getPooledVarGets a pooled variance
isAssignedChecks an object has been generated on the server side
isDefinedChecks if the objecs are defined in studies
logical2intturns a logical operator into an integer
logindataInformation required to login to opal servers
login_remoteServerInformation required to login to opal servers
tTestHelper1runs a t-test for two continuous variables
tTestHelper2Uses glm to compute means of numeric vector across factor...
datashield/dsStatsClient documentation built on May 14, 2019, 7:52 p.m.