Man pages for datashield/dsTutorialClient
DataSHIELD client side functions for my first package

checkClassChecks that an object has the same class in all studies
ds.lengthGets the length of a vector or list
ds.logComputes logarithms, by default natural logarithms
ds.meanComputes the statistical mean of a given vector
ds.replaceNAReplaces the missing values in a vector
extractSplits character by '$' and returns the single characters
findLoginObjectssearches for opal login object in the environment
getPooledMeanGets a pooled statistical mean
isAssignedChecks an object has been generated on the server side
isDefinedChecks if the objecs are defined in studies
datashield/dsTutorialClient documentation built on May 14, 2019, 7:52 p.m.