Man pages for datashield/

ji.ds.asFactorTurns a vector into factor type
ji.ds.asListConstructs an object of type list
ji.ds.asMatrixAttempts to turn its argument into a matrix
ji.ds.asNullIgnores its argument and returns the value 'NULL'.
ji.ds.cbindCombines objects by columns
ji.ds.classRetrieves the class of an object
ji.ds.colnamesRetrieves column names of a matrix-like object
ji.ds.complete.casesReturns a logical vector indicating which cases are complete,...
ji.ds.contourplotCreates a contour plot data frames
ji.ds.dimRetrieves the dimension of an object
ji.ds.expComputes the exponential function
ji.ds.heatmapplotGenerates a heatmap plot for merged datasets test of an object being of type 'character' test of an object being of type "factor" for an object being a list
ji.ds.isNAIndicates which elements are missing whether an object is NULL test of an object being interpretable as numbers
ji.ds.levelsProvides access to the levels attribute of a variable
ji.ds.listFunction to construct a list object
ji.ds.logComputes logarithms, by default natural logarithms
ji.ds.meanCalculates a mean of a given vector (for several studies...
ji.ds.NROWReturns the number of rows present in x
ji.ds.rangeGets the range of a vector
ji.ds.sumReturns the sum of all the values present in its arguments
ji.ds.t.testRuns a student's t-test on horizontally partitioned data
ji.ds.t.test.formulaRuns a student's t-test on horizontally partitioned data...
datashield/ documentation built on May 14, 2019, 7:52 p.m.