#' #' sampleFringe
#' #' @export
#' sampleFringe <- function(ftype,...){
#' d <- sample_data(ftype,...)
#' fringe(d)
#' }
#' #' @export
#' keep_not_na_FringeRows <- function(fringeIn){
#' if(!class(fringeIn)[1] %in% c("Fringe","data.frame"))
#' stop("fringe must be either a Fringe of a data.frame")
#' if(!isFringe(fringeIn)) fringe <- fringe(fringeIn)
#' else fringe <- fringeIn
#' data <- fringe$data %>% discard_any_na_rows()
#' dic <- fringe$dic_$d
#' fringe(data,dic)
#' }
#' #' @export
#' keepFringeRows <- function(fringeIn,col,values){
#' if(!class(fringeIn)[1] %in% c("Fringe","data.frame"))
#' stop("fringe must be either a Fringe of a data.frame")
#' if(!isFringe(fringeIn)) fringe <- fringe(fringeIn)
#' else fringe <- fringeIn
#' if(class(col) %in% c("numeric","integer"))
#' cols <- getCnames(fringe)[col]
#' if(!all(col %in% getCnames(fringe)))
#' stop("col not in fringe",
#' paste(col[!col %in% getCnames(fringe)],collapse="\n"))
#' colPos <- match(col,getCnames(fringe))
#' colLetter <- letterNames(colPos)[colPos]
#' filter_criteria <- interp(~ col %in% values, col = as.name(getCnames(fringe)[colPos]))
#' data <- fringe$data %>% filter_(filter_criteria)
#' dic <- fringe$dic_$d
#' fringe(data,dic)
#' }
#' #' @export
#' selectFringeCols <- function(fringeIn,cols){
#' if(is.null(fringeIn)) return()
#' if(!class(fringeIn)[1] %in% c("Fringe","data.frame"))
#' stop("fringe must be either a Fringe of a data.frame")
#' if(!isFringe(fringeIn)) fringe <- fringe(fringeIn)
#' else fringe <- fringeIn
#' if(class(cols) %in% c("numeric","integer"))
#' cols <- getCnames(fringe)[cols]
#' if(! all(cols %in% getCnames(fringe)))
#' stop("cols: ",cols[!cols %in% getCnames(fringe)]," not in fringe ",fringe$name)
#' d <- getDatafringe(fringe)
#' dic <- fringe$dic_$d %>% filter(id %in% cols) %>%
#' slice(match(cols, id)) # added to rearrange dictionary given cols
#' out <- d[cols]
#' if(isFringe(fringeIn)) return(fringe(out,dic))
#' out
#' }
#' #' @export
#' selectFringehdtypes <- function(f,hdtypes){
#' dic <- selectDichdtypes(f,hdtypes)
#' data <- f$data %>% select_(.dots = dic$id)
#' fringe(data,dic)
#' }
#' #' @export
#' selectDichdtypes <- function(f,hdtypes, as_list = FALSE, filter = NULL){
#' out <- f$dic_$d %>% filter(ctype %in% hdtypes)
#' if(!is.null(filter)){
#' if(!filter %in% names(out)) stop("Filter not in diccionary")
#' filter_criteria <- interp(~ filter == TRUE, filter = as.name(filter))
#' out <- out %>% filter_(filter_criteria)
#' }
#' if(as_list){
#' # setNames(transpose(out),out$id) # in case we want the full dic as list
#' out_list <- as.list(setNames(out$id, out$label))
#' return(out_list)
#' }
#' out
#' }
#' #' @export
#' joinFringes <- function(fx,fy,prefixX = NULL, prefixY = NULL, type = "full",...){
#' if(!type %in% c("full","inner","left","right","semi","anti"))
#' stop("join type not known")
#' prefixX <- prefixX %||% fx$name
#' prefixY <- prefixY %||% fy$name
#' if(type == "full"){
#' #d <- full_join(fx$data,fy$data)
#' d <- full_join(fx$data,fy$data,...)
#' }
#' if(type == "inner"){
#' d <- inner_join(fx$data,fy$data,...)
#' }
#' if(type == "left"){
#' d <- left_join(fx$data,fy$data,...)
#' }
#' if(type == "right"){
#' d <- right_join(fx$data,fy$data,...)
#' }
#' if(type == "semi"){
#' d <- semi_join(fx$data,fy$data,...)
#' }
#' if(type == "anti"){
#' d <- anti_join(fx$data,fy$data,...)
#' }
#' joinBy <- intersect(getCnames(fx),getCnames(fy))
#' fxNames <- setdiff(getCnames(fx),getCnames(fy))
#' fyNames <- setdiff(getCnames(fy),getCnames(fx))
#' dicx <- fx$dic_$d
#' idx <- dicx$id %in% fxNames
#' if(is.null(dicx$join_group)){
#' dicx$join_group <- NA
#' dicx$join_group[idx] <- prefixX
#' }
#' dicy <- fy$dic_$d
#' idx <- dicy$id %in% fyNames
#' if(is.null(dicy$join_group)) {
#' dicy$join_group <- NA
#' dicy$join_group[idx] <- prefixY
#' }
#' dic <- bind_rows(dicx,dicy) %>% distinct(id,.keep_all = TRUE)
#' fringe(d, dic = dic)
#' }
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