This document covers the details of how the video game records from our target database are merged. It starts by loading "merge ready" dataframes of records for each source and completes with a merged dataframe.

The target sources:

For details on how the records were obtained and cleaned, see the relevant scraping and cleaning documents.

Note: If run, this document assumes certain resources (e.g., the Giantbomb raw data .Rds) are available in the local working directory.

Prepare the Workspace

We start by loading supporting packages and setting desired global options.

# Load supporting packages.
library(dplyr)          # Data manipulation.
library(tidyr)          # Data manipulation.
library(lubridate)      # Date manipulation.
library(stringr)        # String manipulation.
library(stringdist)     # Fuzzy string matching.

# Set document globals.
run_from_scratch <- TRUE

To keep the later portions of the document concise, we also define our custom helper functions here. Functions are presented in the order they are called.


Finally, we load the merge-ready dataframes.

# Load the dataframes prepared for merging for each target source.

# If not running from scratch, we also load all other intermediate products 
# produced by the code in this document.
if(!run_from_scratch) {

The Raw Merge

Our first step is going to be simply combining our dataframes together. We'll start by stripping the dataframes of their unique headers and unshared columns. Then we'll assign each game an index that can be linked back to their source dataframe. Then we'll bind the dataframes together in preparation for rolling them up to merge their shared titles.

# Add a source index column.
uv_merge_df$source_index <- c(1:nrow(uv_merge_df))
gb_merge_df$source_index <- c(1:nrow(gb_merge_df))

# Make fresh copies of each dataframe, stripping the source header.
uv_df <- uv_merge_df
names(uv_df) <- gsub("uv_", "", names(uv_df))

gb_df <- gb_merge_df
names(gb_df) <- gsub("gb_", "", names(gb_df))

# Identify and select the shared columns.
shared_cols <- names(uv_df) %in% names(gb_df)
shared_cols <- names(uv_df)[shared_cols]

uv_df <- uv_df[, shared_cols]    
gb_df <- gb_df[, shared_cols]

# Give the source columns unique names.
uv_df <- rename(uv_df, uv_index = source_index)
gb_df <- rename(gb_df, gb_index = source_index)

# Bind the dataframes.
m_df <- bind_rows(uv_df, gb_df)

The Raw Rollup

Next we do our first rollup. This rollup is made on the basis that duplicates will share identical flat names. For our shared fields, we apply a function that merges and sorts the contents of the fields (e.g., if flat_platform for game A is nes-snes and for its duplicate B is nes----sega, the function will merge these to create nes----sega----snes).

# We do a quick and dirty rollup of the raw records, sorting and deduplicating 
# complex fields as they get merged and coalescing our index columns (so that 
# whichever merged record has a non-NA value has that value retained).
if(run_from_scratch) {
    mr_df <- m_df %>%
            uv_title = ifelse(!, title, NA),
            gb_title = ifelse(!, title, NA)
        ) %>%
        group_by(flat_title) %>%
            uv_title = sort_elements(uv_title),
            gb_title = sort_elements(gb_title),
            platform = sort_elements(platform),
            flat_platform = sort_elements(flat_platform),
            first_release_year = min(first_release_year, na.rm = TRUE),
            all_release_year = sort_elements(all_release_year),
            uv_index = sort_elements(uv_index),
            gb_index = sort_elements(gb_index)
        ) %>%
        ungroup() %>%
            uv_index = as.integer(uv_index),
            gb_index = as.integer(gb_index)

    mr_df <- mr_df %>%
            uv_title = gsub("(?<=.)----.*$|^----", "", uv_title, perl = TRUE),
            gb_title = gsub("(?<=.)----.*$|^----", "", gb_title, perl = TRUE),
            uv_title = ifelse(uv_title == "",
            gb_title = ifelse(gb_title == "",
            title = ifelse(,
        ) %>%

Deduplicating the Raw Rollup

Our merge currently relies on exact matches between title entries across our sources. This is not a great assumption so we also employ our deduplication logic on our already flattened/standardized titles to attempt to identify cross-source duplicates.

Identify Variation/Mispelling Candidates

# This section handles identifying candidates for variations and mispellings. It
# is recommended that you only trigger this section if you are certain it is 
# necessary and know what you are doing as it is time-consuming.
if(run_from_scratch) {
    # First we look for variations/mispellings in our titles. This is the most
    # time-consuming of the variation processing. We save some processing by
    # focusing only on unique values (removing obvious duplicates from
    # consideration).
    unique_titles <- unique(mr_df$flat_title)

    title_matches <- fuzzy_match_all(unique_titles, max_dist = 0.1,
                                     skip_pure_digit = TRUE, 
                                     min_test_length = 3,
                                     assume_unique = TRUE, 
                                     remove_matches = TRUE)

    # We repeat for our systems producers...

    # Developers...

    # And platforms...
    unique_platforms <- str_split(mr_df$flat_platform, "----")
    unique_platforms <- unique(, unique_platforms))

    platform_matches <- fuzzy_match_all(unique_platforms, max_dist = 0.1,
                                        skip_pure_digit = TRUE, 
                                        min_test_length = 2,
                                        assume_unique = TRUE, 
                                        remove_matches = TRUE)

    # Remove intermediate data products.
    rm(unique_titles, unique_platforms)

Process Variation/Mispelling Candidates

We now have a set of lists that identify terms that appear to be reasonable candidates for having variations/mispellings along with the associated candidate variations/mispellings. We use a helper function to walk-through our target source--match sets and apply some basic logic to auto-assess for match validity. See the definition for the resolve_match to observe the rules determing what counts as a match or not.

NOTE: The resolve_variations_from_scratch global gets assessed in this section. If set to TRUE, this section can take some time to complete.

# This section handles processing candidates for variations and mispellings. It
# is recommended that you only trigger this section if you are certain it is 
# necessary and know what you are doing as it is time-consuming.
if(run_from_scratch) {
    # We run our auto-resolver on each of the collections.
    auto_title_matches <- resolve_all_match_sets(title_matches)
    auto_platform_matches <- resolve_all_match_sets(platform_matches)

Clean Identified Variation/Mispelling Pairs

At this point we've produced some objects that could either be subjected to manual processing (to resolve uncertain candidate matches) or which can be used to guide standardization of variation/mispelling collections as-is. For this project, we simply use the current auto-matched results and acknowledge that we've likely missed a few matches.

It's worth noting that we've done our matching with a highly stripped down version of our values (certain punctuation and casing removed). We'll use the results of matching these values to replace our richer-formatting titles as well, but we'll retain the original raw versions to allow us to spot check for errors if the need arises.

if(run_from_scratch) {
    ## titles ##
    fix_titles <- auto_title_matches$match_set_list
    fix_titles <- fix_titles[auto_title_matches$auto_accept_index]

    mc_df <- fix_all_match_sets(fix_titles, data.frame(mr_df), 
                                "title", "flat_title")

    # fix_platforms <- auto_platform_matches$match_set_list
    # fix_platforms <- fix_platforms[auto_platform_matches$auto_accept_index]
    # mc_df <- fix_all_match_sets(fix_platforms, mc_df, 
    #                             "platform", "flat_platform")

    ## cleanup ##

Rollup to Final Records and Join to Get Source Details

final_df <- mc_df %>%
    group_by(flat_title) %>%
        title = sort_elements(title),
        uv_title = sort_elements(uv_title),
        gb_title = sort_elements(gb_title),
        platform = sort_elements(platform),
        flat_platform = sort_elements(flat_platform),
        first_release_year = min(first_release_year, na.rm = TRUE),
        all_release_year = sort_elements(all_release_year),
        uv_index = sort_elements(uv_index),
        gb_index = sort_elements(gb_index)
    ) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    # It's possible that our duplicate removing has created some rolled up 
    # records associated with multiple source table indexes. Where this occurs,
    # we arbitrarily drop all but the first observed index.
        uv_index = gsub("----.*$", "", uv_index),
        gb_index = gsub("----.*$", "", gb_index),
        uv_index = as.integer(uv_index),
        gb_index = as.integer(gb_index)

final_df <- final_df %>%
    left_join(select(uv_merge_df, source_index, uv_raw_title, uv_publisher,
                     uv_developer, uv_platform, uv_first_release_year),
              by = c("uv_index" = "source_index")
              ) %>%
    left_join(select(gb_merge_df, source_index, gb_raw_title, gb_platform,
              by = c("gb_index" = "source_index")
              ) %>%
        # Core features.
        title, flat_title, 
        first_release_year, all_release_year, 
        platform, flat_platform,
        # UVList records.
        uv_index, uv_title, uv_raw_title, uv_first_release_year,
        uv_publisher, uv_developer, uv_platform,
        # Giantbomb records.
        gb_index, gb_title, gb_raw_title, gb_first_release_year,

# If run from scratch, we save the key intermediate and final data products.
if(run_from_scratch) {
    save(mr_df, title_matches, platform_matches, auto_title_matches,
         auto_platform_matches, mc_df,
         file = "./merge_intermediate_products.Rds")

    save(final_df, file = "./merge_final_df.Rds")

datavores/vgsample documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:59 p.m.