load_pevs: PEVS - Forestry Activities

View source: R/pevs.R

load_pevsR Documentation

PEVS - Forestry Activities


Loads information on the amount and value of the production of the exploitation of native plant resources and planted forest massifs, as well as existing total and harvested areas of forest crops.


load_pevs(dataset, raw_data = FALSE, geo_level, time_period, language = "eng")



A dataset name ("pevs_forest_crops", "pevs_silviculture" or "pevs_silviculture_area"). You can also use SIDRA codes (see https://sidra.ibge.gov.br/pesquisa/pevs/quadros/brasil/2019)


A boolean setting the return of raw (TRUE) or processed (FALSE) data.


A string that defines the geographic level of the data. Can be one of "country", "region", "state", or "municipality".


A numeric indicating for which years the data will be loaded, in the format YYYY. Can be any vector of numbers, such as 2010:2012.


A string that indicates in which language the data will be returned. Portuguese ("pt") and English ("eng") are supported.


A tibble consisting of geographic units that present positive values for any of the variables in the dataset.


## Not run: 
# Download treated (raw_data = FALSE) silviculture data (dataset = 'pevs_silviculture')
# by state (geo_level = 'state') from 2012 (time_period =  2012)
# in portuguese (language = "pt")
data <- load_pevs(
  dataset = "pevs_silviculture",
  raw_data = FALSE,
  geo_level = "state",
  time_period = 2012,
  language = "pt"

# Download raw (raw_data = TRUE) forest crops data by region from 2012 to 2013 in english
data <- load_pevs(
  dataset = "pevs_forest_crops",
  raw_data = TRUE,
  geo_level = "region",
  time_period = 2012:2013

## End(Not run)

datazoompuc/datazoom.amazonia documentation built on April 20, 2024, 8:50 a.m.