Man pages for david-salgado/contObsPredModelParam
Class and methods for the parameters of a continuous observation- prediction model

ComputeErrorProb'ComputeErrorProb' computes the probability of measurement...
ComputeObsErrorSTD'ComputeObsErrorSTD' computes the observation error variance...
ComputePred'ComputePred' computes the predicted values and the...
contObsPredModelParam-classS4 class for the parameters of a continuous...
ErrorProbMLEParam-classS4 class for the parameters of the ML estimation of the...
ErrorProbParamVirtual S4 class to handle parameters for the estimation of...
getDataReturn slot 'Data' from the input object
getDomainNamesReturn slot 'DomainNames' from the input object.
getEdDataReturn slot 'EdData' from the input object
getErrorProbReturn component 'ErroProb' from the input object
getImputationReturn slot 'Imputation' from the input object
getImputationParamReturn slot 'ImputationParam' from the input object
getObjVariablesReturn the component 'ObjVariables' from the input object
getObsErrorSTDReturn component 'ObsErrSTD' from the input object
getPredErrorSTDReturn component 'PredErrSTD' from the input object
getPredictionParamReturn slot 'PredictionParam' from the input object
getPredValuesReturn component 'PredValues' from the input object
getRawDataReturn slot 'RawData' from the input object
getVarNamesReturn slot 'VarNames' from the input object
getVarRolesReturn slot 'VarRoles' from the input object
ObsErrorSTDMLEParam-classS4 class for the parameters of the ML estimation of the...
ObsErrorSTDParamVirtual S4 class to handle parameters for the estimation of...
plotPlot the main values in the optimization approach to...
PredValueParamVirtual S4 class to handle parameters for the computation of...
PredValueTSParam-classS4 class for the parameters to compute the predicted values...
setDataSet value of slot 'Data' of an object contObsPredModelParam
setDesignW'setDesignW' sets the design weight(s) for each variable and...
setErrorProb-setSet value of component 'ErrorProb' of an object...
setObjVariables-setSet value of component 'ObjVariables' of an object...
setObsErrorSTD-setSet value of component 'ObsErrSTD' of an object...
setPredErrorSTD-setSet value of component 'PredErrSTD' of an object...
setPredValues-setSet value of component 'PredValues' of an object...
david-salgado/contObsPredModelParam documentation built on Nov. 7, 2019, 5:45 p.m.