Man pages for david-salgado/fastReadfwf
Fast read of fwf files with arbitrary input schema

fastReadfwffastReadfwf: A package for fast-reading fixed-width files.
formatoR2regexConvert FormatoR to regex.
fread_fwfFast read a fixed-width file.
fwrite_fwfFast write a fixed-width file.
getdfGet slot 'df' from the input object.
getfinalPosReturn variable final positions from the input schema.
getinitialPosReturn variable initial positions from the input schema.
getRegExReturn regex for variable values from the input schema.
getTypesReturn variable types from the input schema.
getVariablesReturn variable names from the input schema.
getWidthsReturn variable lengths from the input schema.
INExlsxToSchemaTransform Spanish NSI fwf schema into an object of class...
INExlsxToXMLTransform Spanish NSI fwf schema into an xml file.
INExmlToSchemaBuild an object of class StfwfSchema.
MicroDataSNHSMicroData for the Spanish National Health Survey.
setCharSet the class of each variable in data to character.
setdfSet slot 'df'.
setfinalPosSet final position(s) of variable(s)
setinitialPosSet initial position(s) of variable(s)
setRegExSet regex for the accepted values of the variable(s)
setTypesSet the types in the schema as class of each variable in...
setWidthsSet width(s) of variable(s)
showShow an object of class StfwfSchema.
StcsvToSchemaBuild an object of class StfwfSchema from a csv file.
StfwfSchema-classS4 class for the standard data.frame for a fixed-width file...
StxlsxToSchemaBuild an object of class StfwfSchema.
sub-StfwfSchema-methodExtract parts of an object of class StfwfSchema
validateValuesFast read a fixed-width file
david-salgado/fastReadfwf documentation built on Dec. 25, 2021, 12:43 p.m.