Man pages for david6marsh/himach
Find Routes for Supersonic Aircraft

crs_120EAsia-centred coordinate reference system
crs_AtlanticAtlantic-centred coordinate reference system
crs_longlatLat-long coordinate reference system
crs_NArctic-centred coordinate reference system
crs_PacificPacific-centred coordinate reference system
crs_SAntarctic-centred coordinate reference system
find_legFind best non-stop route between 2 airports
find_routeFind best route between 2 airports
find_routesFind best routes between airport-pair & aircraft combinations
GridLat-classA grid and lattice combination
himach-packagehimach: High Mach Finds Routes for Supersonic Aircraft
hm_clean_cacheClean the route and SID-STAR cache.
hm_get_testGet test data
hm_load_cacheLoad route and SID/STAR cache
hm_save_cacheSave route and SID/STAR cache to file
mach_kphSpeed of sound, for Mach to km conversion
make_aircraftMake aircraft data from minimum dataset
make_airportsMake or load airport data
make_AP2Make airport-pair dataset
make_route_envelopeMake range-constrained envelope between 2 airports
make_route_gridMake lat-long grid for route finding
map_routesMap a set of routes
profile_routesProfile a set of routes
st_windowVersion of 'st_transform' with view window to avoid dateline
summarise_routesSummarise a set of routes
david6marsh/himach documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 6:43 p.m.