summarise_routes: Summarise a set of routes

summarise_routesR Documentation

Summarise a set of routes


Reduce a set of routes to a one-line per route summary


summarise_routes(routes, ap_loc, arrdep_h = 0.5)



Each segment in each route, as produced by find_route or find_leg


List of airport locations, output of make_airports


Total time for the M084 comparator aircraft to arrive & depart in hours. Default 0.5.


This function takes the output of find_route and summarises to one line per (full) route.

With refuelling, there can be multiple 'full routes' for each 'route'. The best column indicates the best route for each routeID.

The results are rounded to a reasonable number of significant figures. After all this is just an approximate model. The arrdep_h has been checked against actual and is reasonable (observed range roughly 0.3-0.5).


Dataframe with summary of the route, sorted in ascending order of advantage_h so that the best route are plotted on top. The fields are:

  • timestamp: when the leg was originally generated (it may have been cached)

  • fullRouteID: including the refuel stop if any

  • routeID: origin and destination airport, in make_AP2 order

  • refuel_ap: code for the refuelling airport, or NA

  • acID, acType: aircraft identifiers taken from the aircraft set

  • M084_h: flight time for a Mach 0.84 comparator aircraft (including 2*arrdep_h)

  • gcdist_km: great circle distance between the origin and destination airports

  • sea_time_frac: Fraction of time_h time spent over sea, hence at supersonic speed, or accelerating to, or decelerating from supersonic speed

  • sea_dist_frac: as sea_time_frac, but fraction of dist_km

  • dist_km: total length of the route, in km

  • time_h: total time, in hours

  • n_phases: number of distinct phases: arr/dep, transition, land, sea, refuel.

  • advantage_h: M084_h - time_h

  • circuity: the route distance extension (1 = perfect) dist_km / gcdist_km

  • best: for each routeID, the fullrouteID with maximum advantage_h


# here we use a built-in set of routes
# see vignette for more details of how to obtain it
airports <- make_airports(crs = crs_Pacific)
NZ_routes <- hm_get_test("route")
sumy <- summarise_routes(NZ_routes, airports)

david6marsh/himach documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 6:43 p.m.