sens.wald: Wald Test for Pooled Sensitivity Analysis Results

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) References See Also


Uses MIcombine to pool results from models estimated on the sensitivity imputed datasets.


sens.wald(obj, hyps, sensData, impData, digits=3, ...)



A model estimated on the original, list-wise deleted data. The model will be re-estimated on the complete data from the sensitivity analysis and the original mice procedure. Must be a model for which update will work.


A hypothesis matrix or a symbolic description of hypothesis tests to be passed to linearHypothesis from the car package.


Output from sens.est that includes multiply imputed datasets under a hypothetical non-ignorable mechanism.


An object of class mids resulting from a call to mice that gives the imputed data assuming ignorability


Number of digits to be printed in output


other arguments passed down to the model function, currently not implemented


The function performs a wald test on the pooled coefficient and variance-covariance matrix. Note that currently, this does not use either the correction proposed by Li, Ragunathan and Rubin (1991) or Reiter (2007).


Returns a matrix of average chi-squared statistics and average p-values


Noemie Resseguier, with contributions of Roch Giorgi, David Hajage, Yann De Rycke, Xavier Paoletti and Dave Armstrong


Resseguier, N., Giorgi, R. and Paoletti, X. (submitted) How to perform a senstivity analysis exploring the impact of missing not at random data under different sceanrios of non response mechanism with the R software.

Rubin, D.B. Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987.

van Buuren, S., Groothuis-Oudshoorn, K. MICE: Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations in R.

See Also

mice, mids, sens.mice, sens.est

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