
#' sconduct: A suite of functions for generalized path analysis.
#' This package contains two categories of functions. The first category is concerned
#' with assigning strength to paths in the network based on the strengths of its
#' constituent ties, intervening actor properties, and modeling assumptions.
#' In the first category, there are three primary tasks addressed:
#' - evaluating
#' - identifying optimal paths between two nodes
#' - transforming a sociomatrix of dyad tie strengths to a matrix of path strengths,
#'   wherein each entry reflects the strength of the optimal path joining a dyad
#' In the first category, we generalize from tie strengths to path strengths through an aggregation
#' strategy that should reflect modeling assumptions. In the second category, we generalize from path
#' strengths to accomodate the influence of all possible paths on dyad connectedness.
#' @docType package
#' @name sconduct
davidbuch/sconduct documentation built on Aug. 6, 2019, 10:53 a.m.